Looking for the right VPN.

August 9th, 2016

Hello there. Im searching for a way to trial-test many different IPs to access a specific service on my android device, in order to find which one give me the thing that i’m looking for. Can you suggest me different free or trialbased (because i am disposed to pay) VPN which as much different countries available as possible. Thanks.
Answer #1
Those come to mind.
Answer #2
Private Internet Access is another.
For more, see:
Answer #3
Thanks guys. I read the article only know after purchasing a monthly subscription to HMA (lol), hopefully they improved since the time the article was published. It met my criteria for the most servers available, anonymity is secondary for me (i guess if someone really wanted to uncover my identity he would anyway). ps
I just know noticed how terrible my grammar was in the 1st post ;o
Answer #4
IPredator is good one.
Answer #5
Ye it’s another time I’m hearing about this provider, but they have next to no info apropo’ servers and different locations etc, so i guess for some other purposes it’d be sufficient.
Answer #6
Im facing a similar decision now and thought i’d bump up by old topic to see if i can get some more thoughts on the subject thanks
Answer #7
Wippien is a decent VPN. If security is the priority for the VPN, then i’m not sure about Wippien. There’s also Comodo VPN…that’s what comes to mind.
Answer #8
Thank you in the end i subscribed to ipvanish because of the number of server available, their claims about speed and functional android app, however I’m not entirely satisfied pings suck and general speed isn’t that awsome so i may ask for refund, or simply choose a different vpn next month. I’ll check out your propositions.
Answer #9
Answer #10
Answer #11


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