Looking for jailbreak with backup support enabled for TI-84
August 14th, 2019
I would like to jailbreak my ps3 to play backupgames with my ti-84 calculator.
But I can only find the original applications and not the ones that are compiled so they can play backups…
I don’t have a clue how to compile these apps to backup support enabled versions so i’m asking who would be so kind to upload one or send me a link where I can download one I would prefer a current version of jailbreak like hermes V3 or 4..
I would be very gratefull
honestly id just buy the mod chip i can get you one unde 20 USD and its so easy its not even funny
i even made a video to show how easy it is…this video was made by me for neveah who is a user on here.. so i make reference to that..
pm if you want I can help you