Legit Win 8 to 8.1 upgrade privacy

October 2nd, 2023

2 mates have Win 8 OEM laptops, not Pro or Enterprise, not touch screen, brought from store last year. Slow internet connections. They don’t buy apps, nor use Cloud. 1 uses Live for email. Want legitimate free upgrade to 8.1 as used to Win 7. Not gamers, only light home use.
Re upgrading to 8.1
Have to go to Windows Shop it seems, no legitimate file or ISO download, nor MS disk as far as I know. MS wanting to know who’s out there, more control I guess. So have to download over 3GB twice?
Use MS a/c used for email would mean loss of privacy? Better to create fake MS a/c for Win Shop only? I don’t understand using local a/c instead, is that Win 8 user logon?http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/49291-Windows-8-1-Bypassing-Microsoft-Account Posts #4 & 10.
What should they do? Thanks.

Answer #1
if they want to do other wise just download a preactivated version of it from here and fresh install it
Answer #2
No don’t want otherwise thanks. They r legit, can’t c why trash that for something legally free. But the way MS wants to upgrade seems like they covertly collecting more info on user, something that one day no doubt can hacked. Wish to keep as much of their info to themselves.
Question boils down to: how to upgrade legally maintaining max privacy, in a world where Google & now MS it seems, covertly obtain tons of personal info via OS design.
Or if someone knows what local a/c means in the MyDigitalLife post, or should I post there? Not the type of question MS forums would answer truthfully hey.
Answer #3
Now notice in old post http://www.google.com?t=17449823&highlight= 1st reply about Win 8 privacy & local a/c.
Don’t know how that relates to Win Shop upgrade.
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Answer #4
There’s a big Service Pack upgrade for Windows 8.1 supposed to be released sometime in March, I’d wait until that is released. You can download unofficial releases of this upgrade on the net, but they are not final releases.
Answer #5
Thanks Obvious I don’t use Win8. I googled local a/c & now understand berserk_gutts post mentioned above. I’ll leave Win logon as local a/c, use berserk_gutts tips, & create MS a/c with shortened surname for Win Store use only if needed to upgrade via the Store. Moderator, sorry for double post above, didn’t c edit button, also I’d say this topic is solved good enough for me. Thanks all
Edit: Didn’t need MS a/c to download update to 8.1 via Store app on Win 8 machine to b updated & machine uses local a/c logon.


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