Is it actually possible?

September 27th, 2013

I have a PS3 , and have just been browsing the forums here , and from what it looks like it may be possible to download PS3 games? if this is true , how on earth do you do it? is it as simple as putting it onto a flash usb disk and putting it onto your ps3?

Answer #1
I have a PS3 , and have just been browsing the forums here , and from what it looks like it may be possible to download PS3 games? if this is true

yes alot of games on the ps3 can be played with a backup manager. ive personally played a ~love~ load back in the day on a cfw (custom firmware)
how on earth do you do it? is it as simple as putting it onto a flash usb disk and putting it onto your ps3?
it is BUT it has been patched after firmware 3.55. if your on the newest firmware your screwed unless you know how to use Progskeet. or you can wait for god knows how long until somebody releases a CFW that allows backup managers etc.
for more info you can always search around psx-scene or ps3hax (just google them)
if you find a website saying 2.7CFW blabla its 100% fake unless announced on these sites.
Answer #2
Luckily my firmware isnt 3.55 it’s 3.01 does that mean im okay? and what programme do i need to download to do all this? thanks for the reply ste
Answer #3
lucky! check out the next gen update forums about hacking your ps3 and how to do it. theres also download links there. i had kmeaw on once with lbp2 and gt5 but i accidently updated :@
good luck with ur ps3
Answer #4
yes your fine ill PM you what to do !
Answer #5
Great thanks guys
Answer #6
That’s the one I used one my PS3, worked like a charm.


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