IPhone 4 potential purchase

September 7th, 2013

Hello Folks,

I have been after an iPhone 4 for a while now and earlier on my brother in law mentioned a friend of his was selling brand new ones for £250 (comes with box etc) however the price has me worried. What are the chances of the IMEI number being blocked seen as they have never been used before?

I don’t fancy wasting £250 on a risky investment that could be blocked and practically just an expensive paper weight.
Answer #1
hmmm……. i see you point.
however if the phone was bought legit or was obtained through contract then they won’t get blocked from not being used.
however it depends on how trustworthy this “friend” is.
another common reason for cheap iPhones can be insurance claims in which case they can be blocked.
personally if i didn’t want to take the risk i wouldn’t buy it from anywhere except from either direct from apple or a network provider.


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