Iphone 16 gb

August 2nd, 2013

i wont to buy iphone 16gb but i dont know it is orginal apple product . Pleas help
sry for my bed english

Answer #1
from those pics i cant tell if its an original one ,copys nowdays r atleast outside almost 100% as original
Answer #2
its a fake the black part at the bottom near the home screen is bigger than a normal iphone
look at the difference at this pic and the link u posted.
Genuine Iphone

Answer #3
It’s fake!
Here are some images… iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and 3Gs

Answer #4
100% Fake !!!!
Answer #5
Yes its a fake as mention above the black part at the bottom near the home screen is bigger than a normal iphone
Its an Iphane from china


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