IPAD against Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

August 5th, 2016

Looking to maybe purchase a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet for my wife as she is fed up with her Kindle HDX. IS this a better tablet to go for or should I try and steer her towards an IPAD ?

Answer #1
They are both fairly mature so it all comes to your preference. You can pirate apps on Android without losing the warranty on the iPad you have to lose the warranty while jailbreaking or using other paid services.
The most famous apps are available on both devices and when they aren’t, you can find alternatives with barely the same functions. There are also exclusives for both platforms but unless you specifically need them, both will be suitable.
I suggest you to go in a shopping center and have your wife trying them both.
Answer #2
That’s like comaring an ice cream to chocolate, it shouldn’t be done.
BOTH are really different, what iPad are you comparing to against the Tab 3?
There’s some great tablets out there, iPad and so on. I have the Tab S2 and it’s great.
Also, just saying, IF you’re going to buy an Apple device, be careful, there’s NO jailbreak out atm for the latest 8.4.1 firmware, Apple patched TAIG’s jailbreak with the latest update. (iOS 8.4.1)
IF you mess up your device and you’re jailbroken, you’ll have no choice to restore to stock latest firmware which is being signed. THAT’S ONE of the cons against Apple. THEY MAKE you use want they want you to.
Android on the other hand doesn’t do this, you can install custom roms etc. better recoveries and so on….
And as said, it’s easier to get apps on android. iOS you either need to be jailbroken or using a UDID dev account and get apps that way.
But, comparing the Tab 3 to the iPad Air 2 (you didn’t mention what iPad) it’s a win for the iPad because of the better specs. it’s a no brainer.
Now if you’re comparing the Tab S2 to the iPad Air 2, the Tab S2 wins hands down. < don’t bash me, I’m allowed an opnion!
So basically it depends what iPad you’re thinking of.
The iPad mini 1/2/3 are good, they’re not that expensive and are better than the Tab 3.
Don’t bother with the iPad mini 3 though, it has the same specs as the mini 2 except for a finger print scanner. same retina display, cpu, ram and so on…..
IMO the best thing you can do is go to a local tech store, have a play on iPad’s and android tablets and decide from there.
Answer #3
For ease of use i’d say go for the iPad
Then again im pro-Apple
But yeah, like @ said, go to a tech store and play around with an iPad and a Galaxy Tab 3, its probably the best way to decide.
Answer #4
Looking to maybe purchase a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet for my wife as she is fed up with her Kindle HDX. IS this a better tablet to go for or should I try and steer her towards an IPAD ?

whats your budget, and why tab 3? they have tab 4 out now, for samsgung galaxy 4 it has micro sd card slot, which you can use to put songs,pictures on, ipads cant, its more of a preference do your wife have ios or android, both nice tablets.
ipad http://www.amazon.com/Apple-MH0W2LL-Wi-Fi-NEWEST-VERSION/dp/B00OTWOAAQ/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1440877789&sr=1-3&keywords=ipad
samsung galaxy tab 4 10 inch
Answer #5
I have an Ipad Mini and cant see past it. My wife has had an Ipad in the past and then switched to a Kindle HDX but doesn’t like the fact she cant do certain things with it as easily as she would like, she also doesn’t like that ir forces adverts onto her as well ( I know these can be removed at a cost)
Hadnt realised there was a galaxy 4 out, will go and have a look at that.
Is it easy to put things onto a Galaxy 4, books – music etc ?
Answer #6
What do you mean by “ir forces adverts onto her as well”?
What are the things that she couldn’t do easily?
Generally Android is more open than iOS. You usually do thing easily on Android than an iPad and an iPhone.
I’m asking this to be sure that the problem is not a missing application. In this way you will save the price of a device. If you are looking for specific functions; say here what you need and we can try to address your issue in a more appropriate way.
Yes, it’s easy. You can also share the folder with your computer and access the files on both devices. On Android to put music you simply need to send the files in the way you like. On iOS it’s still easy but require one or two steps in addition. For the books on Android is like the music. On iOS you open a pdf or epub and you simply have to choose open with iBooks.
Answer #7
The Tab 4 is terrible, don’t buy that.
There’s plenty of other options.
Answer #8
What do you mean by "ir forces adverts onto her as well"?
What are the things that she couldn't do easily?
Generally Android is more open than iOS. You usually do thing easily on Android than an iPad and an iPhone.
I'm asking this to be sure that the problem is not a missing application. In this way you will save the price of a device. If you are looking for specific functions; say here what you need and we can try to address your issue in a more appropriate way.
Yes, it's easy. You can also share the folder with your computer and access the files on both devices. On Android to put music you simply need to send the files in the way you like. On iOS it's still easy but require one or two steps in addition. For the books on Android is like the music. On iOS you open a pdf or epub and you simply have to choose open with iBooks.

amazon sells a “Special Offers” version, basically for $20-40 bucks difference it forces ads on you, and its very annoying my friend has one of those, basically at the bottom of your screen is ad bar which flashes amazon specials and your lock screen turns your kindle into a giant advertisement, its like a permanent pop up ads, unless you pay to remove it,
anyways how easy is it to use on android, you plug in a micro sd card with epub/mobi/mp3 and copy them to tablet, or if you are running out of room on your sd card, one then a android tablet has over ios is ability to use sd cards.
again its all about your budget, tons of android tablets out there, i only posted link to tab 4 since you asked about 3, you can get a budget or high end tablet, i mean some android tablets retail for $900 its whats best in your budget range.


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