Ipad 2 – possible to downgrade from 5.0.1?

August 27th, 2013

I recently bought a Ipad2 (wifi) and it lookes like it´s running 5.0.1. Apparently there is no jailbreak for ios 5.0.1 yet. And my question is:
Is there any way to downgrade from 5.0.1 to 4.3.3(wich is the latsest version that you can jailbreak)
Would really appreciate if any1 could help me with this!
Best regards: eif

Answer #1
If it had anything higher than 4.3.3 out of the box, you’re out of luck.
Answer #2
Ok, to bad :/
It had 4.3.5 when I bought it.
Guess I´ll just have to hope for a new JB then…


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