If you block someone on facebook question

January 23rd, 2014

If you block someone on facebook question and you unblock them will the profile come back up after time?
Answer #1
Yes. I think it’s a day or two (maybe less).
please can you edit the topic title to include [solved]
Answer #2
It should happen right after you unblock them.
Answer #3
But why does it say add friend on the thing and all the matual friends are gone between me and them though?
Answer #4
JamesC23 replied: But why does it say add friend on the thing and all the matual friends are gone between me and them though?
yeah once you blocked them you will unfriend them… so you have to add them again…
not sure about the mutual friends tough.. maybe they deleted some friends that are your mutual friends
between them and you so the mutual friends are gone…
Answer #5
Mutual friends go when you block someone, as you have removed the person as a friend.
It takes some time before the unblock works, so you can see their profile, and then you have to re-add them as a friend.
*EDIT – forgot to add, the other person will not be able to see you either until the unblock has cleared.
Answer #6
So the person has to add me again it just wont add on itself?
Answer #7
JamesC23 replied: So the person has to add me again it just wont add on itself?
Yes you have to be added again.
Answer #8
But when you delete people normally you see there mutual friends why wouldnt it be the same with blocking?
Answer #9
JamesC23 replied: But when you delete people normally you see there mutual friends why wouldnt it be the same with blocking?
when you block the person… the person can’t see your profile and you can’t see
their profile… so you can’t see their mutual friends…
Answer #10
So what about the second poster that said it will reappear is that true?
Answer #11
JamesC23 replied: So what about the second poster that said it will reappear is that true?
yes it’s true, i think it will immediately show up… once you unblock the person… it will show up
but you have to add him again…
unless the person blocks you and lie to you and said that he unblocks you…
then it will not show up because he’s still blocking you..
Answer #12
Why add him again, he won’t though


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