IDM , power out , Do I resume downloading rar files ?

August 1st, 2013

Hi my friends ,
Every time , when power out & gone , when I Start the PC & resume downloading .rar files or anything else , they get corrupted . So what Do I do in these situations ??
if the file size is big (3GB) , I can’t download it from the beginning . What Do I do now ?? Is there a way to delete that corrupted segment , then resume the file ??
please help ,
Thanks a lot.

Answer #1
i guess there is no way to resume that file in such conditions. Better you have to be shut down your computer before power off or better to install any back up kit for pc.
I faced that prb before so i found only 1 way to save my files is to turn off my pc before power off.
1 more solution is that you only download big files on that which have resume support.
Answer #2
lol , you didn’t get the point .
I can resume them ,
but when power gone , how can I shut down PC!!
also , When I try to resume them , they get corrupted becuase that .
Answer #3
If u download from mediafire.. resuming is possible. Else from other file host u need premium account to do so.
Answer #4
Buy UPS and you won’t have trouble with power loss…
Answer #5
wo_Ot? replied: Buy UPS and you won't have trouble with power loss...
This will also protect your hardware from failure, if you are on an unstable power connection.
Answer #6
wo_Ot? replied: Buy UPS and you won't have trouble with power loss...
That’s what I would recommend with an unstable power supply. If the server supports resume you can suspend the download if the UPS battery gets close to depletion and resume it when power is restored. It might be the sudden power cut which messes up the download on your PC because PC’s can lose data and settings on a power cut.
The only problem I can foresee is if other members of your family get ideas about using your UPS during power cuts “Go on. It’s only a………”
You could try downloading a smaller file, switch the power off and then try cutting the end off the downloaded file with a hex/file editor and then test if resuming works from there. It might depend upon your download manager whether it works. A graphical display of the file parts might help. Showing whether the start of the file is complete if the download manager works in small parts/splits.
Answer #7
wo_Ot? replied: Buy UPS and you won't have trouble with power loss...
A decent one will give you 15-20 mins depending on the load if the power goes out, and you can use software like Bulldog to automatically safely shutdown your pc if the power outage happens when you are not there. I’ve got two going at home (UK), but they have only kicked in a couple of times.
You can resume premium downloads with most managers, have you considered paying for a host or a multi-debrideur account (like Real-Debrid).


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