How to OC P4M80 p4

August 7th, 2016

Hello all i was hoping someone could tell me the best way to Over Clock my p4 m80 p4 socket 478 MOBO, i have a P4 2.6 ghz cpu, thanks! I intend on ocing it to about 3.0… thanks ahead of time!
Answer #1
google “overclock P4M80 p4”
or check out
mainly you are looking for info on upping the front side bus speed
Answer #2
First of all, Does your motherboard even have overclock abilities? What kinda of Mobo do you have and where did you buy it? Second, Do you have sufficient cooling to handle the heat after the cpu has been OC’d?
Btw you might want to read this about overclocking:
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/78848526/Clock_This.pdf
Answer #3
thanks edwood, i tried googling it… didnt get very good results; but i will check out that site thanks, and thank u phase six i will check that out, its a biostar p4m80 p4 478 socket agp etc etc, its supposed to be really easy to do w that one but i havent done it before so i am just wanting as much info as i can get to ensure nothing fries etc etc and how to actually do it! thanks alot!
Answer #4
No prob, If you really want to get into overclocking this community is really helpful with beginners and helps them along the way. But in all reality its pretty easy. But if you need anymore help shoot me a pm and ill see what I can do.
Answer #5
Before eating, make sure u have hands.The most important factor to consider when u think of OCing is the temperatures involved.
Get a good knowledge of ur CPU Idle and Load temps withoput overclocks first.U can use freeware like Coretemp for the purpose.
Answer #6
thanks alot phase six, i probably wil need to… i will def check that site out, and thank u but i cant use that prog it says its not for p4 or D… i have a p4… thanks alot any for p4s that are good?


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