How to install Linux?

May 22nd, 2014

I currently have Windows 8 developer edition. Now, I want to install Kylin (Linux), have that in ISO format.
Is there any possibility of installing it from USB drive?
Thank you!

Answer #1
You could just burn it to a dvd… Put the dvd into your computer and restart it then it should load it and you can make a dual boot..
Or you can go the USB route by accessing your bios on the start up of your computer (before windows boots up) and selecting your usb drive to boot from instead of your hard drive. (have the USB already plugged in before you turn on computer).. This works with my current motherboard but I’m not sure how old yours is if it has the option. It should though..
Answer #2
Afaik you can install Fedora and Ubuntu (other linux distros) from a USB drive but google doesn’t give me any results for Kylin.
Just burn it if you can.
Answer #3
So should I just mount ISO file & copy all the stuff to USB drive & then select BOOT FROM USB ( have that in my BIOS)?
Answer #4
farhan-89 replied: Ok!
So should I just mount ISO file & copy all the stuff to USB drive & then select BOOT FROM USB ( have that in my BIOS)?

I’d agree with Nikos though and burn it to DVD. No idea what that Chinese knockoff is.
Anyways this is what my bios look like… Most newer bios are similar..

You would just change the boot priority to your USB.
Answer #5
Thanks its done!
Answer #6
Answer #7
everything explained here
GUI version of linux with cool features – open source
Answer #8
It seems Kylin is based on FreeBSD so it’s not Linux. Just select the FreeBSD option in UnetBootIn or similar app.
Answer #9
You can install it from a USB drive, you have to make it bootable by using a program such as Universal USB Installer, and boot from it. Either change the Bios settings (normally F2) or a one time boot menu (usually F14), other computers will display on POST what key to tap to get into the BIOS.
Kylin is similar in ways to Security-Enhanced Linux that the NSA developed.
The Kylin website is in Simplified Chinese – so you can translate it with Google Translate fairly accurately
Answer #10
If you have a free CD, then you just need to install it in the same way you install an anti-virus
Answer #11
thanx for all its done
Answer #12
If it solved the problem you should add [Solved] to the beginning of the topic title.
Answer #13
shifty27 replied: If it solved the problem you should add [Solved] to the beginning of the topic title.
yeah i would do this also so that people dont come to to the topic just to find out its solved


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