How to get away with plagiarism..?

July 25th, 2016

In college I heard that plagiarism is a big deal. How do you catch these guys so I can have a easier time not being caught.
Answer #1
you write your own ~love~ and give due credit by citing your sources.
Answer #2
agreed, don’t do it. why are you at college if you cheat?
Answer #3
If you cheat I hope you get caught and kicked out. Cheaters a scum. If you can’t write your own damn paper, Kiss Me Quickly.
Answer #4
you want to catch cheaters so you can cheat?`wow i see you must cheat because you cant even write
Answer #5
they use, a program, they scan your paper, and that program finds if you plagiurised or not…
Answer #6
they use, a program, they scan your paper, and that program finds if you plagiurised or not...~lol~ I did it and still am doing it and im on my 3rd year ! Basically you dont just copy and paste the ~love~ without changing anything! I only did this in english papers or whenever we had to read a book or some ~love~ I cant stand reading, other classes like sociology psycology physics etc I wrote my own ~love~! All you need is the idea just reprase it in your own words, writte in a different format, rearange ~love~ they will never catch you! again just do it for english if you are like me and dont like reading! :mrredhat:
Answer #7
Just do the work. I’m sick of idiots like you thinking you can get through college by cheating. I would definitely not want somebody like you working for me.
I also ask the question others posed: why are you even in college if you don’t want to do the work?
Answer #8
Ageeed with .
Answer #9
well the best way is to actually re-word the piece but thats me. Although you wont get any knowledge from doing that except learning how to re-word stuff. This is like playing multiplayer games where someone uses cheats and keeps killing you, not fun at all.
Answer #10
I know a way, an old buddy of mine copied a paper from his friend, and he had a written piece of paper, a contract if you will, that stated that he had all rights to the paper, as his own. However he didnt foresee the future and his friend failed because he was caught cheating. In the end, taking a few lines here and there arent bad, copying a whole paper, your bound to be caught.
Answer #11
The program that works is the same as google.
They scan your paper, then they search that through a book data base and the internet. i think one of the sites for this is called or somthing.
But why would you cheat in collage?
You’re just cheating on yourself, even if you do get the diploma or anything like that you won’t be able to do the actural job you applied for causing you to get fired anyway.
Aslo, most projects in collage are set diffrently every year so they woudnl’t collide with anyone else’s work.
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Texas Homie�

Answer #12
I know a way, an old buddy of mine copied a paper from his friend, and he had a written piece of paper, a contract if you will, that stated that he had all rights to the paper, as his own. However he didnt foresee the future and his friend failed because he was caught cheating. In the end, taking a few lines here and there arent bad, copying a whole paper, your bound to be caught.
Even if you copy someone else’s idea, if you acknowledge that it is theirs, it is not collition. (So just /quote everything you copy )
Answer #13
the people who seem to do best in this life are the ones who cheat and dont get caught so good luck with it
Answer #14
if it’s in college the teachers usually know the books well & ask you stuff like describe a personality or something so you can’t copy it without being caught. also I wouldn’t say cheater that don’t get caught do the best, it’s the one that can do the best with the least effort that does best. personally I made all my bookreviews by reading the book & then change an existing review to what I tought it should have looked like. always worked.
Answer #15
I don’t know why people are saying s/he is cheating and being an idiot. If you’re here downloading apps/music/movies/etc that you are supposed to pay for, aren’t you cheating too? Just something to think about before you call someone a cheater, think about yourself.
Anyway I think their method of finding out if someone plagiarized is extremely stupid. I’ve seen an example of that program works (scanning the paper and finding sources that match the words and phrases) and I think it’s really inaccurate. First of all, how do you know if the person really plagiarized? What if I had the same thing on my OWN website but also submitted the work to the professor? Are they going to tell me that I plagiarized myself? And how do they know if someone didn’t plagiarize of me first? I think the best way to go is:
1) Change words and phrases in the article as much as possible.
2) Switch the sentences around if you can.
3) Use synonyms if you can.
4) Find sources that are not online.
5) Find sources that aren’t popular. If you are using Google or something, go to like the 5th page…I’m not sure if this works though.
6) Use a different font and page format/layout. This one can sound stupid, but some people just print the item as is, or paste it making it really obvious.
7) Make sure there are no special characters like extra spaces between words, special characters, or big gaps between paragraphs. This would give them the idea that you didn’t just paste it and the spaces were supposed to be where an image was or something.
8) If you can (I don’t know if this will work) make a few mistakes. Not everyone is perfect and some programs may miss it.
Answer #16
I don't know why people are saying s/he is cheating and being an idiot. If you're here downloading apps/music/movies/etc that you are supposed to pay for, aren't you cheating too? Just something to think about before you call someone a cheater, think about yourself.
No, it’s different. Stealing some music MP3s is much different than cheating your way through your educational and mental development.
Answer #17

No, it's different. Stealing some music MP3s is much different than cheating your way through your educational and mental development.

agreed… we dont really gain much from all the … its all just entertainment or a hobby… where as college is an education that can get you far in life… make you thousands possibly even millions a year… so why risk it?
the only thing that i would suggest is to change the words around… and not do it much…
Answer #18
Do lecturers even care if you plagiarise stuff?
Answer #19
Do lecturers even care if you plagiarise stuff?
Yes. For the same reason I do. Their job is to care that you learn.
Answer #20
Do lecturers even care if you plagiarise stuff?
Yes. For the same reason I do. Their job is to care that you learn.

A guy i knew got in trouble for not putting enough work into his assigments compared to other students. when he replied that he was one of the few in the class who didnt cut and paste from the internet he was told that ‘at least they[the other students] were filling up the assignments
Answer #21
Mm, I went through this. I just copy somethings directly to note pad. then save it quickly. then copy it from note pad and paste it in ms word. No more plagiarism on there. no one can’t catch you… any ways try this…………
Answer #22
If you must do it, rephrase the words. Here is an example first straght from Wikipedia
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 � 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass�energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."[1]
And then you rephrase it something like this:
Albert Einstein was born in Germany, 14th of March 1879. His theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence, with the equation E=mc2 is what he is most known because of. In 1921 Einstein received the Nobel prize in physics. It was given for his services to theoretical physics, foremost for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.
So it is kind of the same, but not the same
Answer #23
well these plagiarism detectors work by checking for comman sentences in your submission and any other article, google etc. They usually give a match if 100 words match. So the only thing you have to do is to reformat your research . You can also try to express it in your own language.
A combination usually does the trick…
A good place to check your work is
Its free but requires membership…
Answer #24
At my college we have to turn most of our papers in electronically. They then get filtered through a program that checks them against thousands of other papers and gives you a number back that represents what percentage of it matched any other papers. If you go over a certain percentage you fail the class and risk being dismissed from the university.
Moral of the story: I’d recommend writing your own paper.
Answer #25
Why ya all hating, he is just asking a question…
Answer #26
I don’t cheat at college, but I am lazy enough to use the Dragon Naturally Speaking program to type my papers for me.
Answer #27
the people who seem to do best in this life are the ones who cheat and dont get caught so good luck with it
lol good point
Answer #28
Why not just do the stuff? Why risk losing the thousands you’re paying for college? In the long run, writing the papers will benefit you.
Answer #29
I don't cheat at college, but I am lazy enough to use the Dragon Naturally Speaking program to type my papers for me.
does this work 4 u???
shows too many errors for me…coudnt type a single page with it
Answer #30
Why is everyone getting on him for cheating? Relax and stop giving him a hard time. If that’s what he wants to do then that’s what he wants to do. Calling him out on it isn’t going to change anything.
Biggest problem now is how far technology has gone. Meaning, most professors have you submit your paper online to one of the links already mentioned and wait to see how many hits you get. The only real way to do it is reword like crazy. Each new sentence can be near the same as the last one but swap words out and what not. Don’t get lazy when you’re doing it, otherwise you’ll get shafted.
Answer #31
Just write your own paper and at the end write a bibliography citing your sources.
Answer #32
he didn’t create this post for you guys to tell him “DON’T DO IT”
Answer #33
Biggest problem now is how far technology has gone.

random as hell
Please don't double-post, use the edit button instead-glenny.
Answer #34
he didn't create this post for you guys to tell him "DON'T DO IT"
Yeah…. help him… you are here because you are one of us too.
Answer #35
use the Viper program, its free.
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Answer #36
use the Viper program, its free.
Good advice but its a year old post hes probably finished college by now
Answer #37
How to get away with it? DON’T DO IT. It’s so unprofessional and non-academic. What’s the point of doing it if it risks you getting kicked out?


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