how to create a warez site
August 9th, 2016
need idea :mrredhat:
Hmmm, good luck hosting on your own site. Hope you live in a country without copywrite laws
is only able to stay up because it dosnt host the files
You need to buy a dedicated off-shore hosting server.
They are allowed to host usually, hence the ‘off-shore’ bit.
Good luck.
china and japan arnt big on anti piracy are they? i no they sell pirated dvd’s in shops
Yeah when you buy off-shore hosting mates, its usually based as far east as possible (nothing intended by that)
Just find a host that says they are off-shore, check their TOS and see if it allows /adult content.
Then buy a dedicated server off them and your good to go (expensive but the best and only way to get a good site)
First of all, if this is some rose tinted view on how “wonderful/cool” sites are, you need to realise that (as above posters have said) you need to have yourself covered, and that this isnt some easy thing that will work by itself once you get bored of setting it up.
Then you need to realise what you ACTUALLY want to do, and considering how vague you’ve been im presuming you don’t really know.
Do you want to buy a hosting package with a company and actually host files on that server, which people can download? If you do, good luck finding a host that wont shut you down once it sees what your doing, and good luck finding one that will cheaply offer you enough bandwidth and hosting space to create such a site.
You then need to realise that what most people do is create a “loophole” (which doesnt actually indemnify/protext you from copyright law) and make it clear that you simple “offer links” to places where such media can be downloaded.
If the above is the case, you need to ask yourself, are you competent enough to design, create, host and manage such a site?
You might find it easier to create a blog..
Are you serious?! Do you possibly have any idea of the risks you face in this obvious oblivion you seem to be living in?! First of all, you seem to me like a person who doesn’t even know how to set up a website, be wise and stop now.
You need to buy a dedicated off-shore hosting server.
They are allowed to host usually, hence the 'off-shore' bit.
Good luck.
But they are expensive IMO.

i didnt want to say it, but thank YOU for doin it for me

You need to buy a dedicated off-shore hosting server.
They are allowed to host usually, hence the 'off-shore' bit.
Good luck.
But they are expensive IMO.
no crap, but so is the fine you will cop for geting cought, and the jail centence isnt 2 go ether
china and japan arnt big on anti piracy are they? i no they sell pirated dvd's in shops
im asian, seems like they all sell pirated stuff all over eastern asia. *but im not sure about Australia*
GUYS…. i DIDNT ASK where to buy a web server ….
yes you did, you asked for info on how to create a site, a host that wont shut you down is needed
lol….. i said how to create a website .. it means…. What script should i use.

Did you read ANY of what i wrote? Theres more than enough there for you to think about. If you arnt competent enough to know how to set up a website, maybe this isnt the right thing for you to be doing.
First of all, if this is some rose tinted view on how "wonderful/cool" sites are, you need to realise that (as above posters have said) you need to have yourself covered, and that this isnt some easy thing that will work by itself once you get bored of setting it up.
Then you need to realise what you ACTUALLY want to do, and considering how vague you've been im presuming you don't really know.
Do you want to buy a hosting package with a company and actually host files on that server, which people can download? If you do, good luck finding a host that wont shut you down once it sees what your doing, and good luck finding one that will cheaply offer you enough bandwidth and hosting space to create such a site.
You then need to realise that what most people do is create a "loophole" (which doesnt actually indemnify/protext you from copyright law) and make it clear that you simple "offer links" to places where such media can be downloaded.
If the above is the case, you need to ask yourself, are you competent enough to design, create, host and manage such a site?
You might find it easier to create a blog..