How do websites like Gizmodo make money?

November 2nd, 2013

Do they get paid per view on there website? How do they make money.
What is the best way for me to make money owning a very new website?

Answer #1
jasonxman replied: Do they get paid per view on there website? How do they make money.
PPV? Who is going to pay you for people viewing your own website?
They must view someone’s ads in order to get paid, lol
That is why most tech website that do reviews on products, break the review up into like 10 tiny pages, and make you click next, next, next. Its not just to annoy the crap out of viewers, its to make you load more ads on each page.
jasonxman replied: What is the best way for me to make money owning a very new website?
Try AdSense
Answer #2
SmAsHeDr replied: jasonxman replied: Do they get paid per view on there website? How do they make money.
PPV? Who is going to pay you for people viewing your own website?
They must view someone's ads in order to get paid, lol
That is why most tech website that do reviews on products, break the review up into like 10 tiny pages, and make you click next, next, next. Its not just to annoy the crap out of viewers, its to make you load more ads on each page.
jasonxman replied: What is the best way for me to make money owning a very new website?
Try AdSense

I already have an adsense account, but they don’t pay me for people viewing my page with ads on it only per click.
Answer #3
Majorly through Advertisement. Then there is subscriptions, paid reviews, apps for kindle ipad and others etc, selling analytic data and some more I guess
A very new website will require more input than the output it can product but revenue programs such as AdSense should help. Also try and build content on your website which can sold tomorrow. Eg. A blogger starts giving tutorials on some technology for couple of months. He can convert those into a book and get it published easily.
For AdSense, you can generate CPM banners which should get you paid. But its slow and takes time. If your content is good then gradually CPC ads will get you more than you can imagine. Keywords matter.


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