How do I download all links at once?

August 4th, 2016

When a program is split up into multiple parts, it’s a pain to copy and paste each individual link into the browser to download. How do I do it all at once (and please include exactly how to do it if your response is to use a download manager).
EDIT: I also need one that works for Mac

Answer #1
use IDM Mate
Answer #2
Install IDM, select all links right click>download with Idm
Answer #3
OK. First you need to have a premium account for the respective file host (i.e: ~ Dead file host ~)
Then you download and install Flashget
After you installed it you go to:
Tools>Options>Site Manager>Add>Enter your data, and the site
After that go to Tools>Options>Monitor>And make sure that the following have a check mark in the box: Notify On Flash, Add job with confirm, Open cancelled URLs in browser, Fill comment with clipboard contents, Monitor Clipboard and Add job with confirm (#2)
Then copy the links to a movie for example and click ok and then click “Advanced and make sure you click “Log in to server” and enter your details and save as default, then save it where ever you want and click ok.
Hope I helped
Answer #4
Thanks guys, I will either use Flashget or IDM for my PC… still looking for one for my Mac.
Answer #5
I would use IDM along with the firefox addons Snap Links and Linkification. Configure IDM to not display messages when starting a download, and configure RS to go directly to the download. This way, as opposed to right click and hit Download with IDM, requires only 1 click!
Answer #6
Use IDM mate, it’s simply the best.
Answer #7
i am afraid to say that there no good dl manager in mac which supports one click multiple links downloading!
Answer #8
use IDM


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