How can I make a site like IMVU.COM ?

August 4th, 2016

Hi all ,

I want to make a site like

So what is the requirements i have to get ??? and what i have to do ???

Answer #1
Learn to program in something like VB, or .net. Then, you’ll need to make a protocol, and have servers for the thing. Also, you will want people to use it so you will need to have a website which is html/css. Oh, and you will want graphics so make something in photoshop.
Answer #2
hmmmmm ,,,,
Great , SO where to found a company to make all this for me ! ??
Answer #3
i think it will eat all my bandwidth , learn to make animations and learn how to put all the stuff on a server with the help of php, etc etc
Answer #4
I need some company to make it ( the program for me ) and i will take a dedicated server for it
Answer #5
ru sure this isnt just a phase that will take about 2 weeks and then it will be over? (that you want all this)
Answer #6
Do you want the website or also the chat program?
Answer #7
I need some company to make it ( the program for me ) and i will take a dedicated server for it
If you’re willing to pay �10,000 then put an ad on some website asking for service.
Answer #8
ru sure this isnt just a phase that will take about 2 weeks and then it will be over? (that you want all this)
it’s my friend that want it but I’m sure that he isn’t joking ….
i want some company to make the whole program – script . and i’ll have a dedicated server for it
Answer #9
I know some of you are used to , and free scripts, programs etc… You get them these things in minutes at .
But this is not the case. It’s not easy to just make a request on the ‘Script Request’ forum asking for a program like this… It’s not a project that you can do at home.
If you are asking ‘What are the requirements to make it?’ then you SHOULDN’T even be making a site like IMVU at all. You want to know the requirements? I’ll tell ya.
First, you’ll need a good amount of money to start of with. For example $15,000 (or more). Then you will need to rent an office and hire some programmers, graphic designers, etc.
Answer #10
hmmmmm ,,,,
Great , SO where to found a company to make all this for me ! ??

lol, its gonna cost you a lot im sure..
Answer #11
Answer #12
I think there is no script like it >>>
So we could have a medium budget for it any other suggestions ??
Answer #13
any company or a trusted one to get it done for me ?
Answer #14
Lol, why?
Answer #15
Lol, why?
Just read my first post
Answer #16
I think he doesn’t quite understand what is being said. ,
Chances are no one here will quickly make a program like that for you, these programs are massive projects – they require office space, dedicated programmers to write the code behind it, graphic designers for the graphical user interface, probaly a network administrator as well, in fact – you would need an entire set of high end computers to get this done. It’s not just a weekend fun job, this is something many people do for a living, so it comes with a very high price. I’ve not even touched the site yet, for that, you’ll need another team, but that’ll be less pricey than the actual program. You don’t even have a rough concept of what program you want, other then IMVU – which would surely lead to copyright infringement on corporate level. On a site like this, most likely you won’t find what you are looking for. Try placing PAID ads if you are really that serious, and be sure to have at least $25,000, without mentioning the computers, software licenses, space to work in, pay checks.
And this is all talking about having people work for you, you could alternatively look for a “company” in full to hire it, in that case, do a google for companies who specialize in network based communications, contact them with a solid plan, which is more than “like IMVU”, and hear what they’re charging. I am sure you and your friend will reconsider.
And the best option would be, learn to program – and try writing it yourself with your friend, you’ll learn, it’ll take forever, but you’ll save the cost of a few cars.
Answer #17
Dude, honestly. Why don’t you understand (sorry, about this), If you want to make a site like that it will cost you anywhere in the range of $7,000 US – $40,000 US. Man, and also, if you want to make a dedicated server, it isn’t that easy, because if your gonna run it on a spare computer, you’d need that computer to have a hell of a lot of storage, a hell of a lot of RAM, and tons of other things, including the internet. Even then, his parents probably won’t let him, since running a dedicated server, with tons of connection just destroys your bandwith, so if your gonna make a server, I would reccommend either, A-Get a VPS, or B-Choose a server for a game that is already made (Tibia, runescape, Habbo, Etc…), So at the end of it all, you would be spending like $60,000 US – $100,000 US, so really man, don’t think it’s easy and cheap to do those kinds of things, and please, you have to realize that sooner or later you will get tired of that server anyways. Besides, I know this from experience, I have had servers for many games, like Tibia, Runescape, WoW, Habbo, Lineage, etc…. and believe me, you’ll get tired of it pretty quickly, so anyweays that’s my two cents. :p
Answer #18
learn it dont be lazy
Answer #19
lol, its a phase, aside from that you will need to learn flash and hard coding with php / css / mysql or asp & cfm. I suggest you get crackin.
Answer #20
Lol even if u had the money u still need to know a lot more about business. also is gone take years to make a program like that and there also the legaly stuff that u have to do :S ( so that means u can copy and thing) and also u need loyers trust me there are people out there that sue people for any thing .
just saying
Answer #21
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:23 pm
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