How can i get more downloads?

August 6th, 2016

Hey simple question really, I’ve joint www, to earn money off of my downloads but i don’t know what to upload to get more downloads and i was wondering if there are any techniques you guys might wanna share as to how to get more downloads? Smile thanks
Answer #1
Uploading isn’t about making money,it’s about sharing.
Answer #2
Im a mod on a pay2post site and im helping the admin by donating money back to the other members its not for me, thats why I need to try and get loads of downloads quickly
Answer #3
WorkHard u`ll Be Rewarded And Em Totally Agreed With !
Itz About Sharing !
Well Put As Many Mirrorz as u can on ur thread u`ll get more downloads
Answer #4
Uploading isn't about making money,it's about sharing.
Get with the times man, people are earning a ~ censored ~ of money from uploading.
Answer #5
Upload stuff people want (porn) to a site people want to download from (not Oron).
Answer #6
Uploading isn't about making money,it's about sharing.
Get with the times man, people are earning a ~ censored ~ of money from uploading.

Point being that it is not uploaded for sharing but merely for profiteering off other peoples work…never what is was about…>>>
Copyright infringement without reward was always difficult to prove intent to gain….but It seems the DMCA agents are to serve filehosts that pay rewards with court orders to disclose the IP’s & bank accounts they pay out to, of users who’s accounts are proven to contain copyrighted material…on the basis of Trading


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