How can I easily back up a mass amount of files onto DVDs?

July 31st, 2016

I have a bunch of stuff on an external HD, old computer files and pictures and all that kind of crap.. just tons of crap. Like a virtual closet.
I’d like to back them all up (let’s say like 100GB) but instead of having to individually design each DVD with files etc, I’d like to say “Back up everything in this folder” and then just have it say “Ok done with disc 1, insert new dvd” “ok done with disc 2, insert new dvd”
kinda like itunes can do with your library

Answer #1
Nero Burning Rom…Make a data disk..When the compilation window pops up…Just click on New..Then drag folders from the right hand window to the left hand window…You can see at the bottom of the screen how much you added..When done just hit the burn Icon at the top..Untick the multi-session option…
Answer #2
Yeah but that’s what I”m trying to avoid
Answer #3
I think the best way to back up stuff is to have it as you have it now; on an external hard drive. If you need your external, you should either buy a new one and/or get a much bigger one. When you have stuff on dvds they get knocked about and lost over time so its not the best storage option…
Answer #4
But having both is best
Answer #5
You can possibly use the backup utility that windows provides or any other utility softwares.
A simple logic I would share that, four years ago when I used floppy disks then whenever I copied any data bigger than 1.44 MB then after one of the disks were full, windows OS would ask to insert another one. I think this is what you need. So trust windows and try the backup utility.
Answer #6
right click on the folder, copy to, choose your dvd drive
if it’s biger then one dvd it will ask you if you want to spread it over different dvds, choose yes, insert disk and wait
drive opens: insert new disc and click continue
vista, it actually has some good features…
Answer #7
thanks I’ll try that
Answer #8
you could also try compressing them and then burning them !


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