Help watching Youtube video
August 4th, 2016
one such video for example
please help me how to watch or download these, nothing seems to be working. #3.10 All links must be coded - including, but not limited to,
e-mail addresses, passwords, links in Quote tags, Homepage or info links and all internal links.
Link(s) coded.
You want to download form youtube?
If you want to download form youtube the try this:
Put “ss” before the youtube to download any videos from youtube like this[your link looks like]:
it will redirect you to download your video in any resolution without any download manager.
And if that also not work then download youtube-dl[you must have to install Python to run youtube-dl].
Hope this will resolve your problem. #3.10 All links must be coded including but not limited to:
E-mail addresses, IMDb links, homepage links, passwords, any links posted within Quotes, and all internal links.
Your links have been coded for you this time!
This whole playlist is hidden, it can’t be downloaded, but if you want to download something else you can use Jdowloader or Youtube center script. That one that you posted I don’t see also, I tried also with Youtube unblocker but it’s obviously locked for some reason.