Help! My aim 6.5 is no working

August 1st, 2016

This is really annoying
Answer #1
wrong section-reported..try uninstalling doing..a re boot then re installing
Answer #2
wrong section-reported..try uninstalling doing..a re boot then re installinghehe classic advise, check firewalls if it blocks port 5190
Answer #3
1) Reinstall
if not
2) Download again
if not
3) Check antiviruses, firewalls
if not
4)ermmmmmm……………… Ask someone else
Answer #4
i dont have any firewalls on
Answer #5
why are you using aim 6 in the first place? its nothing but problems and way too bulky for just a instant messenger.
use aim ad hack for aim 5.9
Answer #6
use pidgin. much better than AIM and supports 15 other clients too. i’ve used it for about a year now. never again will i use AIM
edit: i wasnt too clear but YES pidgin does support AIM as one of the clients. you can IM your AIM friends with pidgin.
Answer #7
Use “Your Uninstaller 2008” and get rid of it along with registry values, reboot, start up, re-download AIM from aol and do fresh-install. Try different directory too


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