Help me solve this equation ….

March 23rd, 2014

Promoter1 & Promoter2 organise a party …. expenses & profits should be shared between 2 promoters .
Promoter1 spends out $134
Promoter1 spends out $311
Party Profits is $349 & Promoter2 picks up all the profits … how much money does promoter2 owes to Promoter1 ?
Should Promoter2 get $2.5 or pay $2.5 to promoter1 ?

Answer #1
The total cost of the party was $134 + $311 = $445
By using the word PARTY PROFIT, you imply that the total revenues of the party were $445 + $349 = $794
Promoter 1 paid $134 or 30% of the cost. Promoter 1 should get his $134 back + 30% of the profits = $134 + 30%of$349 = $134 + $105 = $239
Promoter 2 paid $311 or 70% of the cost. Promoter 1 should get his $311 back + 70% of the profits = $311 + 70%of$349 = $311 + $244 = $555
$230 + $555 = $794, the total receipts.
Of course, it you misused the word PROFIT, then this does not apply.
Answer #2
P1 invests 134
P2 invests 311
Total investment: 445
Profit: 349
∴ Profit per $ = 349/445 = 0.78426966292134831460674157303371
P1 should get 105.09213483146067415730337078652 for his investment of 134 and
P2 should get 243.90786516853932584269662921348 for his investment of 311
∵ P2 picked the profit, he owes 105.09213483146067415730337078652 to P1
EDIT after reading the above post,
With all due respect, I think you misused the word ‘Profit’
Profit = Earnings – Investment
∵ he said ‘profit’ I surmise he (should have if not already) used the above formula.
BTW, you miscalculated $230 + $555 = $794
The correct answer would be 785 NOT 794
Answer #3
If they were Rap Promoters then, Promoter #1 just shoots Promoter #2, takes all the profits for himself, blows it on drugs and swag.
Answer #4
promoter 2 must give 86$ to promoter 1 so they BOTH lose 48$ in that party, becouse the profits were less than the expensives…
in my opinion they shouldnt organise more partys lol
Answer #5
yes thats what i meant . i totally just made the calc wrong lol
thanks guys
no more parties :p
Answer #6
mptreehot replied: @ndpratas
yes thats what i meant . i totally just made the calc wrong lol
thanks guys
no more parties :p

You welcome.
Those guys up there with big calculations… I just didnt understand any of their calculations so I just made my own.
Answer #7
clear solution,
don’t do business by partnership.
this clear all problems


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