Help me

August 4th, 2016

I have download dynasty warriors for here i have extracting it and everything now i have to mount it there are two rar file cd.1 and cd.2 do i mount them both or just cd.1 and and it will automatic do cd.2
Answer #1
Mount the first CD. When it asks for the second CD, unmount the first CD and mount the second CD.
Answer #2
u first mount CD1
then when it is asked for CD2
u mount CD 2 on other slot or same doesnt matter
and when installation finishes u mount cd 1 cuz there is crack and play
Answer #3
Mount CD1…When asked for CD2 Click on the same drive0 on deamon tools and mount CD2..Go back to the game install and click on ok…Don’t mount CD2 on a different drive letter…
Answer #4
Don't mount CD2 on a different drive letter...
why not
i m doing it while installing and had no probs so far
Answer #5
i m doing it while installing and had no probs so far
Well you might get away with it with some games…Some of them expect you to replace the next CD in the same Cdrom drive…If you switch Cdrom drive…The game will refuse to acknowledge it…Some games will let you browse…Some of them don’t…Why not just skip all those problems and just mount in the same drive letter…Things will go smoothly…


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