help finding photo’s

August 5th, 2016

I had a bunch of photos saved on my desktop,
my laptop messed up and i had to partially re-install windows and lost all my files from my desktop. Other users have got their desktop stuff working.
I had a password protecting my user account.
ive gone to documents&settings and the user accounts are there,allowing access to the other user accounts but not to mine. Saying access is denied.
Ive looked at the properties of the folder and it says that the folder is empty, i dont know how this can be right coz i had a bunch of stuff on my desktop.
Is there anyway i can find these photos.
Ive tried using recover my files v3.98 but still cant find them.
Any ideas?????

Answer #1
well if u reistalled windows… there Gone.. .. Shopuld have tried a SYS restore first..
Answer #2
If you reinstalled the windows , and your desktop is gone , then you are in troubles mate
They have been removed together with your account ( admin account I suppose ) and you will never find them back … Thats why its better to have 2 different partitions like one with 15 GB for the windows and the rest for all the another stuff .. Regards pi♥


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