Having this strange thingy on the screen at some movies

August 4th, 2016

I have a problem with some movies and don’t know how to fix it. You will see what the problem is on the picture:
Please can anyone help me with it?

Answer #1
Never saw that :\
Answer #2
have you tried a different player or codec or sth….
Answer #3
I have always used Kazaa Lite codec pack without any problems for years ….. This happend just recently about a week ago, I downloaded some of hdtv-fan’s movies, some of his movies are fine and some like as you can see on that picture aren’t fine. Also some 1cd movies are like this, let’s say 90% of the movies I have atm are fine and 10% that I downloaded the past week are like on the picture. So I don’t know what the problem could be :s
Answer #4
I see this kind of artifacts on videos from youtube.
You got it from youtube right?
I think it has to do with corruption in converting.
Answer #5
No i dont got it from youtube, i got it from , all the movies i have are from this site.
Answer #6
Did you make sure you download dvd rips ?
Answer #7
omg ….. yes, they are all dvd/HD blueray rips, some are normal 700/800 mb versions and some that ive downloaded are HD rips from hdtv-fan.
Answer #8
Dont be so rude! He trying to help you its obviously a codec of got on of hes runs fine try a different player.
Answer #9
Try it with VLC player (Search for it on google)
Answer #10
I have download hd rips from hdtv-fan and I used vlc media player to watch them, and it went well, so maybye you should try.
Answer #11
I’m sorry if i sounded a bit rude, i didnt mean too. Anyways, the problem is no more this guy helped me out:
Everything is working fine again like before, except for those stripes on the screen but i only had to change 1 thing at WMPC settings and the stripes are gone. The settings in Media Player Classic (menu – “View” -> “Options”): output
When i check Haali’s Video Renderer everything works fine there are no stripes on the screen anymore and the picture is now even better than before when checking this setting.


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