[FIXED] Can’t make a self search?

August 4th, 2016

I’m trying to search for my posts to find some topic of mine but it keeps telling me that there were no results.
Is it some bug or what?

Answer #1
it could take some time for you to be able to search your posts if they were posted recently.
Updating the search indexes is relatively slow
Answer #2
No, I have enough posts.
I don’t mean about a missing post, it simply doesn’t let me search for my own and I want to check some thread of mine where a ~ censored ~ started flaming inside a few hours ago.
Answer #3
What about those 2 options at the top left of this page:
View your topics
View your posts
Do they work for you?
Answer #4
That’s what in general doesn’t work.
But it also won’t give me any result when searching manually for my nickname or what going through profile>Find all posts
Answer #5
very weird, I can search for your nickname…
Answer #6
Answer #7
?… It says “Search results expired” and I don’t know what is that anyway, but now it works.
Maybe everyone couldn’t search about themselves (as I could’ve searched for others), or that it was a temporary bug with my user?


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