fileserve payout

August 5th, 2016

today is monday and how to request payout in fileserve
the payout button is missing

Answer #1
How much you have earned,
Minimum payout is $20
Answer #2
i have earned $50
Answer #3
I WAS SEARCHING FOR PAYOUT AT “http://~ Disallowed ~/partner-claim.php” BUT THEY HAVE CHANGED THEIR PAYOUT SYSTEM. TO REQUEST PAYOUT GO TO “http://~ Disallowed ~/my-earnings-downloads.php
Please remember that ALL links must be coded,
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Coded for you this time.


Answer #4
Go to fileserve’s homepage->Click on dashboard->Click on My Earnings,if it says “In order to get paid, you must first transfer money from your earnings account.” then transfer it first using the link “earnings account”
Do this then report back
Answer #5
Nice to know that your problem is solved
Please do not double post, -
#3.7 I It is forbidden to double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any topic. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you're the last to post in the topic.

Answer #6
and would be nice if someone would use edit button instead
EDIT: My 1000th post
Please refrain from mini-modding -
#1.2 We'd like to encourage and thank members to use the report button but not add their own criticism.

Answer #7
Not to mini-mod but you should post all fileserve related questions in the discussion topic
Please refrain from mini-modding -
#1.2 We'd like to encourage and thank members to use the report button but not add their own criticism.

Answer #8
and would be nice if someone would use edit button instead
EDIT: My 1000th post

Ops sorry,
Will try not do this mistake again
Edit:My 351th post


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