Faster way to upload/ create topics on forums?

August 5th, 2016

Im quite new to uploading so i was wondering whats the best way to upload files to hf/mu/fs not one by one but multiple files at once. Found this program called Muli Poster and it says you can upload topics to multiple sites at once. So my question is does the program have an uploader build in so the files go straight to my accounts on hf/fs ? Can you get banned from using it ? Im asking cause it costs 20$ and not sure if its worth it. Thx
Answer #1

That what your on about?
Answer #2
yeah but its not a clean version, has a trojan in it :/
Answer #3
I aint searching the forum for you, take a look around though and their are LOADS of posts for it.
Answer #4
mate i know thats not what i was asking because i am willing to pay for it if its any good. I just want to know if some1 is using it and if it works.
Answer #5
Why not just try it? I’d assume it works, their are scripts on here for it so would presume people use it…
Answer #6
whats the best way to upload files to hf/mu/fs not one by one but multiple files at once.
Single File to Many hosts.I haven’t tested it personally but could help you in your situation.
Found this program called Muli Poster and it says you can upload topics to multiple sites at once. So my question is does the program have an uploader build in so the files go straight to my accounts on hf/fs ? Can you get banned from using it ?
Not sure about it. Well As long you comply with other forum rules. I think you are safe.
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