Fallout 2 ( few questions )

August 7th, 2016

first off, do I need a crack to run this? and what is the .sub file for?
Answer #1
Do you mean Fallout 3?
If so, then I recommend grabbing the RELOADED rls of it, no crack needed, just mount/burn + install + play.
Answer #2
no. I mean fallout 2 by Interplay. I’m playing through it again one last time, it ran fine, no crack needed. I do have a question in regards to patches, where do I extract the files too if it’s self-extracting?
Answer #3
no. I mean fallout 2 by Interplay. I'm playing through it again one last time, it ran fine, no crack needed. I do have a question in regards to patches, where do I extract the files too if it's self-extracting?
self-extracting as in ripped? or did you install it from a .iso?
i believe ripped versions can’t be updated unless the ripper posted a update for it. who ripped it?


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