everest readings accurate?

July 26th, 2016

are everest’s readings accurate from temperature to the WHOLE report readings accurate?
it seems to know everything about my monitor my ram my hdd my os… everything!
so is it REALLY that accurate and RELIABLE?
say, if i want to upgrade ram, will everest show me a true reading of it?
thanks! =)

Answer #1
I can only answer on experience,
but basically yes. for me it has always detected the correct hardware. I have had detect “unknown” for a few bits and pieces, but what it does detect has seemed correct for me.
Answer #2
so you cant speak for temerature etc?
its like you feel the computer and you predict its 17 C ambient lol.
anyways thx.
Answer #3
I use it for my temps…
I was speaking of the hardware detection before…
I seem to remember reading they are slightly incorrect for newer quad cores, but I have never had any issue monitoring my QX9650 with it.


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