debit card question

August 4th, 2016

I never had a debit card so had some questions for you guys. Ok I got a savings and Debit account and want to get a debit card! Say I deposit $50 on my debit card, and have my debit card set up to automatic payment. Say automatic payment is $60 what happens when card gets charged? does it go through and I owe the bank $10 or wont it go through?
Second question. Say I have a debit card and have it set up with automatic payment! Say at some point I tell my bank I lost my card and they give me a new one will the information update automatically and I get charged on the new card?

Answer #1
If you try to run a payment with a card but you don’t have enough in your account to cover it, it will decline and no funds will be withdrawn. If you run a check and don’t have enough to cover it, it will process and you’ll owe the bank the difference as well as an overdraft fee (probably around $30).
Answer #2
The $60 won’t go through unless you have OVerdraft protection on your account. Depends on the bank whether they just issue a new card or a new account. If it’s just a new card with same account … no problem but if it is a new account .. you will need to contact whoever the automatic payment goes to. – Try talking to your advisor at the bank and they can give you all the details !
Answer #3
sometimes they will catch it sometimes they will run it through…it will also depend if you have debit with a visa or mastercard logo then it doubles as a credit card. visa or master will depend on your limit and they might let it go also and you will be charged unless overdraft protection…
rule of thumb if you don’t have the money don’t use it not worth it
Answer #4
sometimes they will catch it sometimes they will run it will also depend if you have debit with a visa or mastercard logo then it doubles as a credit card. visa or master will depend on your limit and they might let it go also and you will be charged unless overdraft protection...
rule of thumb if you don't have the money don't use it not worth it
no its not the money thats the problem im not that stupid LOL. Im trying to sign up for a gym membership but they require a credit card or debit card, last time I gave my credit card I got ripped off I canceled my account and they still kept charging my card. Now what I plan to do is get a debit card Sign up for membership pay first month with debit card then take all the money out of my account so I have no money and that if they gym tries to charge me they wont get nothing. Thanx dudes very helpful will have a chat with the bank employees tomorrow cheers
Answer #5
I think it would of been smarter to speak to your bank and inform them that unauthorised charges were being made to your card so your bank can sort it out and stop it! You should of wrote to the gym to cancel the membership and keep a copy of the letter as proof. That letter could be shown to your bank to confirm that you had cancelled it and the charges were unauthorised.
The way you want to do it might affect your credit rating which you don’t want.
Answer #6
I think it would of been smarter to speak to your bank and inform them that unauthorised charges were being made to your card so your bank can sort it out and stop it! You should of wrote to the gym to cancel the membership and keep a copy of the letter as proof. That letter could be shown to your bank to confirm that you had cancelled it and the charges were unauthorised.
The way you want to do it might affect your credit rating which you don't want.
As nice as that sounds sadly things dont work that way. You think I didnt try I told the bank about the charges on my card and they told me “you gave out your CC you set up automatic payment” so there is nothing we can do! How great is that and I told them to close my card. But yeah I went to the bank turns out to have a debit card you need checking account, If you buy stuff on stores and stuff and dont enough money charges wont go through, If you set up automatic payment all charges will go through and you will have to pay the bank a fee LOL. Im set it up sign up at the gym and just cancel the card and the account!


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