Creating a website
August 6th, 2016
For a while i’ve been trying to design my own website with Photoshop CS3. But now I got a few questions, please answer & explain the best you can!
1. Which pixels should a website design in photoshop be made in? 2. How to make it to working .html files? I mean, should I use Slice for web tool? and If I should use the Slice for web tool, what should I mark? I mean like should I slice the banner, the menu, the blahblah, what should get sliced?
If I Slice them, should I then open the files with a HTML Editor like Dreamweaver and add text to buttons and menus etc?
PLease answer
A guy told me something about div.
4. how should I make so my website matches the users screen resolution? Please
okay i may not be a photoshop guru but web sites? its a photo editor , i dont see the relevance here
its not for web design
what I know you can design websites with it and use the Save for Web tool.
I recommend using adobe Fireworks when creating the graphic body of the website, then slice it in the fireworks and export to dreamveawer for adding the Html code.
For logos, banners for the website you can use PS if you want.
For more information I would definitely recommend to d/l courses of these subjects (fireworks, dreamveawer etc.)
should I download Adobe Fireworks CS4?
Photoshop is an image editor. You cannot make a website with it. You can make elements of the website, such as banner, buttons, etc…but you need a web editor like Dreamweaver to make a website.
What you’re doing is correct. You can make the design of the website in photoshop, exactly how you want it to appear when someone visits the site, then you need to slice up each individual element of the image (like the header, buttons, etc.). But then you need to code it, so you can either do that yourself or pay around 60 dollars for someone to do it for you.
, ok thanks! (I know how to code that, but i dont know how to code so it automaticlly matches the visitors screen resultion!)