Creating A Forum Site, Help?

October 7th, 2013

Hey everyone, a friend and I are creating a forum site for gaming. I have templates and whatnot, but the problem is, is I use Adobe Dreamweaver for a basic HTML script, but it gets complicated. Is there a certain program I need in order to create the basic forum template? I know HTML but not CSS or Java, or whatever I might need.
What I`m looking for is someone who can point me in the right direction or tell me what I need to do.
I don’t know if I need to pay for a domain in order to have everything working, but I’d very much rather have everything ready before I create the domain name.
Thank you to who ever can help.

Answer #1
Seriously, no help at all?

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– figjam
Answer #2
What is it exactly you are trying to do?
Answer #3
Well, I want to create a forum site. BUT I use Adobe Dreamweaver to create HTML, and whatnot, Am I using the right program? Because I can create the forum, but it’s only basic HTML, and I don’t know if I upload this to a site, will it actually be a FORUM and not just a webpage. Also I downloaded a few templates, they look really nice, BUT the thing is, I have NO idea how to use it, there’s no main HTML page that would load up everything, how am I supposed to use the template if there’s nothing I can do with it, what am I doing wrong?
Answer #4
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Well, I want to create a forum site.
So we know you want to make a forum, like warez-bb.
ExpertAdviceMan replied: BUT I use Adobe Dreamweaver to create HTML, and whatnot, Am I using the right program?
Yes, Dreamweaver for HTML.
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Because I can create the forum, but it's only basic HTML, and I don't know if I upload this to a site, will it actually be a FORUM and not just a webpage.
I guess you have now made an html web page of what you want your forum to look like?
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Also I downloaded a few templates,
Templates for what?
ExpertAdviceMan replied: they look really nice, BUT the thing is, I have NO idea how to use it, there's no main HTML page that would load up everything, how am I supposed to use the template if there's nothing I can do with it, what am I doing wrong?
“main HTML page”?
I think you might be a little confused. You are not going to be able to write your own forum. You need to download forum software, like phpBB, MyBB, or SMF, install that on your website, then you can customize the forum’s HTML, or download a forum template and customize it.
ExpertAdviceMan replied: I know HTML but not CSS.
That is going to make customizing a template very hard. Website design is done with html and css.
Answer #5
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Hey everyone, a friend and I are creating a forum site for gaming. I have templates and whatnot, but the problem is, is I use Adobe Dreamweaver for a basic HTML script, but it gets complicated. Is there a certain program I need in order to create the basic forum template? I know HTML but not CSS or Java, or whatever I might need.
What I`m looking for is someone who can point me in the right direction or tell me what I need to do.
I don't know if I need to pay for a domain in order to have everything working, but I'd very much rather have everything ready before I create the domain name.
Thank you to who ever can help.

Get yourself a domain and a server. Setup your mysql database on your server.
Download phpBB. Edit the config.php file. Upload your phpBB files to your server using an ftp client. Setup your webpage. Generate your forum layout the way you want it. Setup user accounts. Customize your web page with premade phpBB templates through the admin control panel. Bam! Your website is set and ready. In 1 month, you’ll realize it wasnt worth the time and effort and then your website dies because it’s hard to get people to your website.
if you dont want to create a domain name yet or buy a server, you can setup a local offline server using xampp to work on your site.
and stop using dreamweaver. it won’t help you set up your forum whatsoever. once your phpBB site is uploaded to your server, most of the configurations is done through the admin cp.
Answer #6
Ok thanks guys, I’ll try to make sense of it all lol
So just to clarify, I need to have a site/domain already made, then once I have a template, upload them to the current site, then done?
Lol Sorry, but my HTML skills are limited from High School. I’ve never actually made a forum, but really looking forward to it, and tzuchiz, I’ll have members in no time, I’m good at advertising
Answer #7
i have a youtube channel with videos of creating and configuring a
here is the link
Link(s) coded. ~ figjam
Answer #8
ExpertAdviceMan replied: So just to clarify, I need to have a site/domain already made, then once I have a template, upload them to the current site, then done?
1) Get a web hosting account, you should be fine with shared hosting, but get a good one. I recommend 1and1. You can set up a paid hosting account for like 5 bucks, get a few free months.
If you want to start free, you can use like Zymic or 000webhost.
2) Get a domain name, if you did not already get free with your hosting account, you can get one cheap.
Or get a free domain. and
3) Choose your forum software, download it and install it to your website.
Which ever software you choose will come with instructions on how to install it. Which ever company you choose for hosting will have instructions for creating a mysql database to use with the forum installation as well as instructions on how to upload files to your website. I recommend phpBB, they have lots of development behind them, tons of plugins, and lots and lots of themes.
Once the installation is complete, you are basically done.
4) This is where the real work begins. Go to town, creating users, ranks, forums, edit premissions, upload themes, etc…
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Lol Sorry, but my HTML skills are limited from High School. I've never actually made a forum, but really looking forward to it, and tzuchiz, I'll have members in no time, I'm good at advertising
Never too late to learn, and good luck with that.
PS: If you need any help, just let me know.
Answer #9
Wow, thanks alot.
Both of you.
Appreciate it.
Answer #10
ExpertAdviceMan replied: Wow, thanks alot.
Both of you.
Appreciate it.

i didn’t know which 2 you are talking to but if one of them is me i’m glad to help and if you watched my tutorial and liked it, it would be awesome if you could subscribe in return thanks
Answer #11
iMFaRTiN replied: ExpertAdviceMan replied: Wow, thanks alot.
Both of you.
Appreciate it.

i didn't know which 2 you are talking to but if one of them is me i'm glad to help and if you watched my tutorial and liked it, it would be awesome if you could subscribe in return thanks

Lol well all really.
And yes, I did watch a bit of it, but I will watch the rest later, kind of need a break from doing all this stuff.
Answer #12
ExpertAdviceMan replied: kind of need a break from doing all this stuff.
Is your site up yet? Only takes about 15 minutes to set up a forum.
Whats the address?
Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need any.
Answer #13
Yes, but it is pretty basic, and looks like crap, I’d really like the change the color and layout soon
I certainly will, thanks again!
Link(s) coded. ~ figjam
Answer #14
why did u sign up for freeforum? i thought u were going to start from scratch.
Answer #15
tzuchi replied: why did u sign up for freeforum? i thought u were going to start from scratch.
Because I want a basic layout, I want to see how it’ll run, before I spend my money on a domain.
Just like a car, you’re gonna test drive it before you buy it.
Answer #16
ExpertAdviceMan replied: iMFaRTiN replied: ExpertAdviceMan replied: Wow, thanks alot.
Both of you.
Appreciate it.

i didn't know which 2 you are talking to but if one of them is me i'm glad to help and if you watched my tutorial and liked it, it would be awesome if you could subscribe in return thanks

Lol well all really.
And yes, I did watch a bit of it, but I will watch the rest later, kind of need a break from doing all this stuff.

ok thanks hope it helped you
Answer #17
#3.21 Trades of any kind and selling are two things that are not allowed here. To break it down in simple terms, it's considered a trade any time the situation is "If you do this, I'll do that" and selling is offering a product, service, etc. for money. The staff do not appreciate members trying to get around these rules, so please avoid attempting to do so.
Answer #18
Hey guys, I need a little help again…
So I got my site (I’m not advertising… to any mods) and I have NO clue, how to upload a custom layout for the site. PHPBB, FTP Server, FileZilla, MYSQL… Ya, I’m COMEPLTELY lost, any help?
I’m looking for a step by step walk through on how to get my custom layout, onto
If you help, I would greatly apprectiate it and would let you help Mod on my site for return?
Answer #19
Upload the theme to the styles directory then activate it in the administration control panel.
Answer #20
Ya… You’re gonna have to explain more than JUST uploading it, lol I’ve downloaded FileZilla, FTP Server, and PhpBB… I have NO clue what to do exactly.
Answer #21
That is your site correct? If so, phpbb is already installed. Now you just gotta download your theme, extract the files, and upload the folder to the styles directory. Get your FTP information from your webhost, plug it into FZ, connect to the server, and you will see the directories. Navigate to styles then upload your theme folder there.
If your still lost, you can hit my WWW button and Skype me or just use the IRC link in my sig.
Answer #22
Thanks for the replies… but I found out… No FTP access under Premium Forums, only just custom themes, there’s an ADVANCED Hosting for an extra $15 a year *facepalm* I cocked up.
Answer #23
You can get free hosting, then upload and install phpbb.
Answer #24
Free hosting? I already had free hosting at but I bought PREMIUM which says… Upgrade your account to give you access to additional mods, faster support, and custom styles. while the Advanced Hosting says… Purchase Advanced Hosting and get FTP access so you can install your own mods and styles.
Is there a way around that?
Answer #25
FreeForms is not fully functional hosting. Its just forum hosting. If you want FTP, PHP, MySQL that is 100% customizable, you need to get a good paid host (only a few bucks a month) or try a free host that does not limit you to using a forum only.

With any of those you can upload your own CMS (phpbb in this case), what ever themes you want via FTP, attach a custom domain name, or anything else you like.
But I must warn you, once you get a real hosting account, it will be your job to upload the software, create the databse, and install/configure the software (phpbb in this case).
Answer #26
Great, thanks, but I guess I shoulda waited ‘-.- Now I just spent $65 for a domain name, and premium mods for my site, and I can’t get half of the stuff to work :@
Answer #27
OMG! $65 DOLLARS??? Man, you wasted some money there! You could have hosting for a couple of years on a real web host for that kind of money!
Answer #28
Really? Well I am unaware of this… Which site can I make a forum on for WAY less than that?
Answer #29
Darn, their not running the 1 year free special at 1and1 anymore =( but you can get your 1st year of hosting for about 45 bucks at 1and1. I been with them for about 6 years now. Another popular site is HostGator. If you already purchased a domain name, you can use it with any host, as long as you got a domain name control panel and can modify the name servers.
Another host, that is dirt cheap, but I have never personally used is Webhostingpad.
Answer #30
Ah damn… Well I think I’ll have to check that out NEXT year ‘-.- Lol thanks for telling, now I think in between that year, I’ll study PHP, my HTML should suffice if needed but I think I’ll hire a scripter instead
Answer #31
Yea, check during summer, June, July. They will run the best specials then…
Answer #32
Great, thanks again for all the help man! ^_^


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