Computer …. Editing?

July 26th, 2016

Hey I have a …crazy mom, who likes to turn off my computer when I’m not around (or sleeping) to save energy. Little does she know that I have important stuff going on you can’t just close without saving. So I’m trying to make it so she has a harder time doing this. First, how would I go about disabling the main power button turning off my comp? I just want nothing to happen when it is pressed. Second, is there someway to disable the light on the power button, as well as the light from the videocard and power supply? Btw if it changes anything, my case for my computer is the Inspiron 530 from Dell. Thanks!
Answer #1
I would assume the power button is pretty low tech: button hits piece of metal, closing a circuit which turns off the power supply. Hard to say for sure without seeing it, though.
Probably easier if you ask her to not shut down the computer, say you’re helping to crack the human genome or something
Answer #2
under your power setting there is a “do nothing” option for the power button under “advanced”
Answer #3
Human genomes already been deciphered hasn’t it? =/
Ok so the power button has been solved…The lights I guess Id have to go and take them out manually? =X
Answer #4
What about the fans? Or is she hearing impaired?
About the lights. Use flat black spay paint on the case?
Answer #5
Place a bomb near the computer, problem solved.
Answer #6
I don’t see the point mate ………. If your mum is really determined she just has to switch off at the wall power socket ……….. she ain’t stupid you know!!
Answer #7
How about telling her you have important processes running? Put a note on the computer saying “DON’T TURN OFF”


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