Comodo firewall is useless?mouse not working right

September 22nd, 2013

okay so am mouse keeps disconnecting and reconnecting at random times… now i have after reformating i installed comodo firewall because someone in here says its good but i think its that program or not thats making my mouse keeps reconnecting i tried switching the usb port for the mouse but no difference it just keeps reconnecting everytime i hear the windows 7 sound when you connect a usb thing. Should i uninstall comodo firewall or is something wrong with my mouse?
Answer #1
It could be a problem similar to what I was having. I doubt it’s Comodo.
When you plug in the USB, does it wiggle a little? Turn up the volume on your PC and if you hear that windows 7 sound while wiggling the USB while its plugged in, then your probably not getting a good connection between your mouse and computer.
I had this problem but only with a wireless mouse. I plugged in the receiver and it was real wiggly from the first time I plugged it in. Always had mouse problems like you’re having. Luckily, my mouse came with a USB extension so I came up with a bright idea to super glue the receiver to that. Only had to re-super glue it once in about 7 months and that’s because someone kicked it lol.
Answer #2
try a different mouse. if it continues format
if it stops its your mouse.
Answer #3
drdaylight389 replied: It could be a problem similar to what I was having. I doubt it's Comodo.
When you plug in the USB, does it wiggle a little? Turn up the volume on your PC and if you hear that windows 7 sound while wiggling the USB while its plugged in, then your probably not getting a good connection between your mouse and computer.
It is plugged in the all the way it can be.Ste#. replied: try a different mouse. if it continues format
if it stops its your mouse.
but i formatted before installing comodo… i don’t want to reformat again and i am going to get a new mouse soon let’s see if that works
Answer #4
eminembeastfan2 replied: drdaylight389 replied: It could be a problem similar to what I was having. I doubt it's Comodo.
When you plug in the USB, does it wiggle a little? Turn up the volume on your PC and if you hear that windows 7 sound while wiggling the USB while its plugged in, then your probably not getting a good connection between your mouse and computer.
It is plugged in the all the way it can be.

Did you try turning up your volume on your PC and wiggle the USB a little to see if you hear that windows sound?
Try using this mouse on another computer and see if you have the same issue. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your mouse up-to-date.
I can’t see Comodo being the problem here. If it were blocking the drivers to your mouse, it would only limit it’s functionality like the back/forward buttons on your mouse and the autoscroll. And I don’t see Comodo blocking the drivers unless you created the rule for it to do that.
If it’s disconnecting and reconnecting, my guess is that it has to be an issue with the connection between your mouse and PC.


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