Comodo Firewall 1065 files are waiting for review WTFudge

August 6th, 2016

Yer So My Firewall Comodo has 1065 files waiting for review im sure ive got a setting wrong somewhere.
I am not about to review and learn about 1065 different files…
Any Suggestions or ideas from someone who has this firewall or knows about this problem ?

Answer #1
Answer #2
Answer #3
Triple freaking bump i cant believe no-one else has this problem !
Answer #4
Dont bump 10 times man … if anyone had a solution he/she would answer.. I have Comodo too. I had many files waiting like you then i just submitted them
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Answer #5
Dont bump 10 times man ... if anyone had a solution he/she would answer.. I have Comodo too. I had many files waiting like you then i just submitted them
Lmao – don’t mod
I haven’t been bumping 10 times look at the dates on my posts and its a valid helpdesk question.
So thankz for the useless advice – lmao –
Answer #6
I have “permanently deactivated Defense+”, because is useless.
Only needs “Firewall activated”.
Answer #7
Ok tankz for the reply – I just recently pressed Submit and it seems that they have all submitted so i dont know what the error was although the files still seem to be waiting for review. It seems theres not much that can be done about this..


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