
August 4th, 2016

I fixed my pc.
Answer #1
You probably knocked something lose. Check if all the cables are still connected properly, even if it is just a bit lose could cause your system not to start.
Answer #2
Id check to see if you have the correct ATX connetor connected to the motherboard
Answer #3
I reseated the cmos batter, atx cable, rams, and still same problem…
Answer #4
Are the pins correctly attached to the mobo from the power switch button? did you tighten any screws that hold the mobo? or add any extra?
Answer #5
Wait, the MoBo is on?
When you turn on your computer, there should (well, mine does) be a little screen on your MoBo with 2 digits, they should display 2 digits (ex. 00-99), you can look in your MoBo’s manual on what is the problem.
Answer #6
If you did tighten or add any screws for mounting the mobo, loosen them or even remove them and test as this sometimes causes this type of problem.
Answer #7
Did you check if you didn’t disturb the power switch connector?
Answer #8
To be honest, I opened the CPU cooler, then theres a little square, with many little gold pin, I messed up some of those pins (there crooked) and I got that glue that it has on its back all over the pins
What should I do.
P.S – Im pretty sure its not to do with any plugs, – and more on the CPU + its cooler.
If not then my motherboards dead.. (but before I give up, I still want to try everything that possible)
Answer #9
Your CPU cooler wouldn’t make your whole computer not function…
Does your MoBo have a debugger screen?
Answer #10
Your CPU cooler wouldn't make your whole computer not function...
Does your MoBo have a debugger screen?

What is this “debugger screen” ?
Answer #11
Your CPU cooler wouldn't make your whole computer not function...
Does your MoBo have a debugger screen?

What is this "debugger screen" ?

The model is from what I have.
The Debugger screen is a small little screen that displays 2 digits codes if something wrong is happening, it’s very useful when you are building something, and if something went wrong, it can tell you exactly what is not responding, or what is unplugged.
Answer #12
Your CPU cooler wouldn't make your whole computer not function...
Does your MoBo have a debugger screen?

What is this "debugger screen" ?

The model is from what I have.
The Debugger screen is a small little screen that displays 2 digits codes if something wrong is happening, it's very useful when you are building something, and if something went wrong, it can tell you exactly what is not responding, or what is unplugged.

No dosnt have it, this pc/motherboard is cheap.
Answer #13
Ah, when you said there is a light, do you mean coming from your MoBo? And when you click the power button, is there any result? Or does absolutely nothing happen?
Answer #14
I came to a conclusion that my mobo is dead
Answer #15
The little light come from the power supply, and when I click on the "power botton" nothing happens
It’s got to do with your motherboard then, there should be somewhere on your motherboard that should light up if properly connected to the power. Just re-check your wiring, if there is a loose cable, that’s not good.
Answer #16
Those pins you bent was your SPU, find out what kind, google, and get a replacement.


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