Cant start my laptop

January 9th, 2019

my daughters went to this web site which i dont remember….. every since then it can t start no more it always scan for viruses it said it is icfected ….. she had this avr virus protection which is due to renew she had not …. when i took a look at it at first, there was nothing i could do except press the open button and soon after press again to close because this scannig windows would pop up and freezes evey thing. Now i ve managed to open the Norton Antivirus, I can see every thing on that disk except it will not read it…. when you go to open a file it does like every file are bat file with no chance to read this is the reason why i cant put that antivirus ……..u click on a file it pop up and desaped the same way. Many times my son got virus in my pc the 1st time that had happened i lost all my precious file and documents because i had to fomat the hdd to get rid of the vilain…. the other time there was no pro because all my precious files are backuped….. my daughter`s files are not back up and she has school project in it if you see what I mean guys … know those teen age who think they know better, who think this will never happen to them…. sorry guys it s a bit long my stuff any help, advise would be more than welcome….
thanks for your patient

Answer #1
, there many ways to fix the laptop. First of all, have you tried logging into the Safe Mode. If you can do that, back up the data you need. Then, perform a full system scan using Kasperksy Anti-Virus. If you cannot do that, then I suggest you get a 2.5″ hard disk (laptop hard disk) enclosure package. After that, take out the laptop drive and put it into the enclosure. Then, connect the package into any other computer. After that, scan the drive using Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Let me know what happens next.
Answer #2
An alternate way would be using a bootable solution. I would recommend Ultimate Boot CD for Win or Avira Rescue Disk.

Answer #3
you could use data recovery… or get data back even if u had formated ur pc, (another thought u should have external hardisk where u use dual OS (one on ur pc hardisk and the other one inside ur external hardisk), eventhough ur PC infected by virus (at home) but u can run for scan with the clean one inside ur external hardisk. just don’t forget to always backup data…. and install Internet security.)


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