Can’T access this server/web site

August 1st, 2013

I used to be able to log into this web site to obtain notes and hand out for school, but for the past few days I couldn’t do that at home anymore. The site is still functional since I can still login when I’m at a different location (such as at school or a friend’s house). Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
I’ve tried resetting my router (pressing the reset button, unplugged and replugged), renew IP address (cmd -> ip release and renew). Nothing seems to work. The internet is fine because I can still post this message. I just couldn’t go to that site to do school work.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
Something is blocking you, AV? ISP? Maybe a DNS issue? You know the IP?
PS: No idea what “this site” is, so nobody will be able to help you bro =(
Answer #2
thanks for your reply. My thought was that my IP got blocked by the server, thus I tried renewing my IP but it still didn’t work. Also, accessing through a proxy server couldn’t load up the page either.
This is the site where my professors upload class notes. Usually I can access directly by URL or indirectly through a link from the school’s page. Now, I can still surf around the school’s site without any problem, but when I click on that link, IE (and also Firefox, Opera) says page not found (couldn’t be displayed, etc.)
Here’s the direct URL
Answer #3
Did you not visit the link I gave you?
There is no web server open at:
Answer #4
It says it’s down for everyone..


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