Cannot access wbb from my PC after removal of keylogger

August 7th, 2016

I’ve had this problem for a while. I have deleted cookies and modified the hosts file (using first one option and then the other). I can access the blog, but not the main site.
This started when I got rid of a weird browser hijacker/keylogger that was taking me to some Russian site when I clicked on any search result at and was constantly trying to send the results of the keylogging to a remote computer. The only way to get rid of it was to rip it out of the registry. It was a major pain. Anyway, the point is that it could be a registry entry problem that has yet to be identified.
Could someone please give me something else to try? Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
What ip address are you pointing to on your hosts file?
What dns are you using?
What isp are you using?
Answer #2
Maybe removing any wbb entries from the hosts file will solve the problem..
Answer #3
Sounds like a problem on your end so:
Moved -> Helpdesk
Reinstalling your OS is the only surefire way to get rid of malware. (Even that isn’t true anymore after we’ve seen what nation-state malware can do.)
Answer #4
I have got similar problem. there is nothing in host file. I have to use VPN to access your wbb site.
Why is it happening any idea?
Answer #5
I have got similar problem. there is nothing in host file. I have to use VPN to access your wbb site.
Why is it happening any idea?

If you are from the UK then your ISP has actually blocked the site and are more then likely also blocking the forums HTTPS.
Topic in Forum Comments about UK ISP blocking the forum.
Answer #6
If it is a registry problem, the damage done by either you or the keylogger would most likely be irreversible, since finding the missing or incorrect entry is slim to none. This may seem like a silly question for someone who has probably tried many solutions, but does this persist when using other browsers? When you use the methodology, are the results the same across the browsers?
Answer #7
Had a problem one time….Could not reach Google but other sites were OK.
And this was after malware removal.
Restarting the modem/router did the trick !
DNS jumper is handy, it can flush DNS and change to a different one.


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