Can I use Mcdonald’s Wifi for my downloads?

November 7th, 2013

Hey guys, I’m currently on vacation and the only available internet I have is my phone tethering and various wifi spots.
Can you please give me guidance as to how to feed my video addiction? I want to see the latest episodes of my tv shows but I also don’t want to get hauled off for downloading and thrown in Guantanamo Bay.
I currently have premium fileserve, would you recommend against using it at Mcdonalds? Should I rename my computer to something random?
What should I do? Thank you.

Answer #1
I don’t see why not. If it’s open, = you don’t personally buy access, it’s pretty much anonymous, nobody will know which is yours.
Answer #2
Most McDonalds WiFi systems have a data limit. It is 50MB for a session here so I expect you will be subject to a similar limit. I think there are various ways to get around this limit depending on how the monitor usage but the ones I know of require you to have a server which acts as a proxy.
Regarding content, it is pretty unlikely that you will have issues accessing copyrighted content because of the sheer number of people who use those hotspots but it might be prudent to use some form of proxy to be safe.


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