Call of duty Black ops , won’t open

October 13th, 2013

Sorry if i’m sending this topic to the wrong section i couldn’t find a better board to post this message too.
Can anyone tell me how i could get black ops working?, I have installed black ops on to my computer and i restarted the computer, Then i opened black ops. A screen cam up saying –
(Title: Run In Safe Mode?) “It appears the Call of Duty: BlackOps did not quit properly the lastime it ran.”
“Do you want to run the game in the safe mode?”

“This is recommended for most people.”
“It will change your system settings but not controls.”

(OPTIONS) “Yes”-“No”-“Cancel”.
I have tried everything yes, no, cancel none of them work.. I never opened the program it doesn’t make sentce.
Can anyone help?

Answer #1
please help me …


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