Buying xbox 360 , require opinion

August 13th, 2013

Hi all, im planning to get a new xbox soon from amazon. Just wanted to know can the new ones be modded to play pirated games. If it can be modded please guide me how it can be done, i it cant be modded for some reason what should i be looking if i want to go witha used one.
Please guide me. Thanks.

Answer #1
New ones can be modded make sure it has liteOn drive or samsung drive. it should not be with hitachi drive because hitachi is old one & new LT 2.0 update not available as per my knowledge goes..
i am selling at ebay i am not sure it is allowed to post link here but you can pm me for details.
Answer #2
ok but how do i check if it has those drives which you mentioned. Say if im getting from amazon then how ?
Answer #3
You can’t check if your getting it from Amazon.
The new consoles can be modded via the RGH (Reset Glitch Hack) ….. more info about this over at check their forum.
You can ask all your Xbox 360 related questions there, and get the answers that you need.
Answer #4
if u mean ur planning on buying a new slim they can be hacked but currently the f/w is not available for this drive it will be release by the end of this month, the f/w is currently in testing. check here for info.!/TeamJungle
Slims require extra hardware due to the write protection on the drive u can either drill the chip on the board to unlock it or buy a replacement board for the drive which is already unlocked.
Also u require a pci card if ur sata ports on your motheboard are not compatible, a ck3 kit to power the drive and somethign to power the ck3 it it requires a molex connection u most likely will have a spare on inside ur pc if not i bought a cheap pc power supply from a random computer shop for 5pounds.
There are two forms are hacks avaliable for xbox the rest glitch hack as Ashleyuk1984 said but this is difficult, there are tools available to help you. This hack will let u play games from an external hdd, play n64 games using emulators etc, but this hack is not safe for live.
The other option is just flashing ur xbox with the f/w, allowing you to play burnt games, new xbox games require you to buy a lite-on ihas drive to be able to burn new games correctly and for them to be safe on xbox live.
Answer #5
ok thanks for the detailed info.
So firstly i’ll get
From Amazon.
So firstly i’ll go with the 2nd option of just flashing the F/w which i think is still under testing.
And secondly i need to get a Liteon drive and what is this ihas drive ? Where can i get one ? So i need to replace the current wht ever Dvd +/- Drive with the Lite on one isnt it ?
And like you said if the sata ports are not compatible i need to get a PCI Card , can you tell me in the link above , do i need to get a PCI card for that one. ?
Answer #6
u have to buy a pci card whatever drive u get if ur motheboard ports are not compatible, as this is what u use to connect the drive to your computer to write the f/w to the drive. find out what motherboard you have and see if your ports are compatible.
u dont have to get a liteon drive, but all new xboxs now have lite-on in them, samsung/hitatchi drives arnt put into xboxs anymore and are only found in the old phat orginal xboxs. The one ur looking at buyin the xbox slim will have a new lite-on drive in which has the write protection in it so u need to look at doin 1 of the 2 methods i mentioned before to unlock the drive. The replacement board will require soldering of the 5 wires bk to the board.
this is the unlocked dvd board
u can buy an Ihas drive everywhere they are very common, but it has to be a certain model they cost £20.
LiteON iHAS124-XX B
LiteON iHAS224-XX B
LiteON iHAS324-XX B
LiteON iHAS424-XX B
LiteON iHAS524-XX B
LiteON iHAS624-XX B
(Note: The XX value varies and is of no consequence. The important value is the firmware version B which is the chipset. Versions A and Y will NOT work).
any of the models listen above but it has to have the B at the end, so yes when u buy this drive u just need to install it into your pc and install the LT MAX f/w on the drive which has been made to burn new xbox 360 games.
Answer #7
try to look at amazon or ebay for Fat xbox360. its gold in xbox360 & way better then slim. if you bought from amazon you have to do hack. which i suggest you google it & as above member said you cant check those drives but you can ask the sellers & one more thing make sure it manufactured 2008 onwards..
or if i am at your position i will try to look at my local market first before approaching amazon or ebay thing.
Answer #8
Reset Glitch Hacks are worth doing, the reset are a waste of time.


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