Burning XGD3 games

December 2nd, 2013

hi guys
So not that i’m knew with this, but with this game burned 2 times, my 360 loads up, gives black screen & says “disk unreadable” I have burn all my xgd3 games with “samsung” dl burner, followed the steps of the “burning process” & burned, played even SR3 yesterday! So i don’t understand why this one doesn’t load up like all the others ! I did a search on google & just found one topic, witch says to set the “layerbreak” to “2086912” & thene try again…They say it works i (burning again know) They also say you always must burn with this layerbreak if you don’t have a liteon burner, in order to burn 100% playable xgd3 games! But i don’t understand this part beceause the layerbreak has always been on “2133520” & played al games just fine untill know! Any one some clear answer on this please & do i must use this layebreak all time from know on? (hallo Ani)
360 Drive: Liteon
Flash: LT+2.0

Answer #1
set layer break to “calculate optimal”, that is what you must do for all games now.
Answer #2
appleflies replied: set layer break to "calculate optimal", that is what you must do for all games now.
I have burned the first disk that way, he won’t load up! Does it loads up with you thene ont he same specs i have? That would be understandable, other wared things are also the topics, witch contains “working” in the description and no one comfirming that it actualy works!


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