Browser is lagging? IE and Modzilla FF

August 6th, 2016

I just formatted, re-installed Windows, but why does it lag when I scroll through some sites like it lags it’s not smooth. It wasn’t like this before?
I installed GFX driver so it has nothing to do with that.

Answer #1
In my experience it’s usually due to graphics card driver but you said you installed it… maybe double check? Also install flash/java all that stuff too.
Answer #2
I don’t think it my GFX driver or anything, Some sites scroll normally which is fine, but only these sites. – When I scroll it lags, not smooth. – When I comment, when I scroll it not really smooth.
Answer #3
its your graphics driver, try running a game?
Answer #4
Don’t have a game at the moment, if it’s my driver, what should I do?
PS: The un-smooth scrolls only happens on some sites not all.
Answer #5
Format your computer, reinstall everything
problem solved
Answer #6
This topic has been posted in the wrong section.

Answer #7
install addons such as flashblock, adblock and no script. Browse sites with these addons enabled and see if it happens again.
Also monitor the CPU usage in taskmanager with FF running to see if it is the culprit with different sites.


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