Block websites

December 14th, 2013

hello guys once again.
I know this is simple to those who know but i dont.
please could someone explain how i can block certain sites any sites i wish to block in internet explorer
as a matter of safety on my daughters laptop so i can allow her to to use the net without me looking over her shoulders the whole time.
many thanks

Answer #1
Go in HOSTS file and edit it with this
For example
And with this line you will block FB..
You can do this with any website you want…
And next time… USE GOOGLE!
Answer #2
Many routers support keyword blocking, this would allow you to block any website using the keyword ‘porn’ for example. That way you do not have to enter in every porn website on the net (which is impossible).
Look for Access Restriction, or possibly see if your router supports DD-WRT firmware, which I know allows it (see screenshot).

EDIT: Another way to go about it, is to install software that monitors the websites your daughter visits. That way you can tell her not to use those sites, and then later look back to see if she has been visiting those sites. That way you know weather she is listening to you, or defying your orders.
Answer #3
Or solution that SmAsHeDr suggested.. Routers can filter/block desired websites…
Answer #4
COMODO Firewall will do it.
Answer #5
If you wanna block certain kinds of sites and have no specific ones in mind,Using K9 Web Protection would be best:
Answer #6
OpenDNS works too provided that she is on a LUA (limited user account) or isn’t aware of stuff like Ultrasurf or Tor.
Answer #7
wo_Ot? replied: Go in HOSTS file and edit it with this
For example
And with this line you will block FB..
You can do this with any website you want...
And next time... USE GOOGLE!

Thanks but i trust the advice given here at BB,if we all did that what would be the point of a help section,but thanks for your comments
Answer #8
Thank you everyone for taking the time to help someone not as knowledgable as some others.
Big thanks to Roberto400 as i have now got K9 its just what i was after
regards to all and thanks
Answer #9
I would think that the router option is pretty solid, as you can block it by keyword and it would affect all on the LAN. Comodo? I will check this out myself


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