Best uninstaller with 64 bit program support

August 6th, 2016

any ideas about what is the best uninstaller out there? clearly windows does not remove all of the software files after you install them, i want to use a software for it.
Answer #1
Total Uninstall Pro is probably the most thorough and it can monitor programs as you install them if you want to ,as well…Many settings..
I do find though, that it is a tad slow to populate the program list when you open it up..
Other ones that are very good and popular are Revo Uninstaller and the one I use most, is Your Uninstaller!
You will find them all in ‘Apps’.
Here is a small reg cleaner here that you can run after uninstalling with the above, that might get rid of junk like old serial numbers etc.
Registry Trash Keys Finder……..You can normally safely delete anything it finds in the 64 and 32 bit results.
Answer #2
you can opt for CCleaner
you can find pro version here at out Apps section
Uninstall program via CCleaner..
then go to the Registry tab.. scan for issues and wipeout those are left after uninstalling..
(just be careful.. cause this tool is very strong @_@)
Answer #3
Revo Uninstaller this is the one i use.
Answer #4
Second vote for total Uninstall.


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