Best OS for my netbook & upgrade?

February 19th, 2014

Hey, I have the Acer 721 3801 Netbook. and I’m wondering what would be the best OS to put on it.
I currently have Windows 7 Home basic, but I feel that it requires too much RAM and the netbook can get slow at times. So im thinking about ubuntu? How would that be for a student that needs to be able to program in c, java, php etc.
Also, I need to keep the battery life as long as possible, right now according to windows this charge will last me 3.5 hours and the battery is at 87%.
I have 2 gb for it right now and I have an extra slot,
Can someone suguest me some nice ram that this mainboard will support? (It can support upto 4 gb, but I don’t know about that dual channel etc).
and should I put a 64gb or something SSD in it?

Answer #1
Heres the link for the specs:
Please remember to use the CODE FUNCTION
Texas Homieā„¢
Answer #2
Windows XP or Linux
Answer #3
Which linux
Answer #4
That depends on you, maybe this will help you out:
Just be careful venturing into the world of Linux, its not windows. There is also a stripped down version of Windows 7 people are using, called Tiny7. But XP is good until 2014
Answer #5
Windows 7 Starter
Answer #6
wwsmithe replied: Windows 7 Starter
I would use Tiny7 before I installed starter…
Answer #7
SmAsHeDr replied: I would use Tiny7 before I installed starter...
That’s nice to know.
Answer #8
I would use Tiny7 before I installed starter...
Me too!
Answer #9
Dr.Unknown replied: but I feel that it requires too much RAM and the netbook can get slow at times.
Simply shocking!! A netbook being slow,Like really?
A netbook doesn’t compare to a laptop/desktop!
How much RAM is actually being used? Check the task manager.
You could also make it faster by removing any non essential apps from startup (using msconfig)
and using a light antivirus/firewall such as microsoft security essentials & comodo firewall,Also use
Firefox or Chrome instead of IE and Foxit reader instead of adobe,Also you shouldn’t have too many apps/browser tabs opened at the same time.
Dr.Unknown replied: im thinking about ubuntu? How would that be for a student that needs to be able to program in c, java, php etc.
No good,For creating windows apps,You must use windows.
Dr.Unknown replied: Also, I need to keep the battery life as long as possible, right now according to windows this charge will last me 3.5 hours and the battery is at 87%.
It is what it is dude,You can’t make it any better and the OS has very little impact on this.
Dr.Unknown replied: Can someone suguest me some nice ram that this mainboard will support? (It can support upto 4 gb, but I don't know about that dual channel etc).
Dual channel is a chipset feature that requires 2X or 4X sticks of the same size and is not a special RAM feature,You just another 2GB SO-DIMM DDR3 1333 or 1066 stick that has the same timings/voltage as your current (you can determine this information by using CPU-Z),It’d just downscale to 800 (those are no longer being manufactured so hard to find),But IMO for a netbook 2GB is good enough,They’re certainly not made for gaming or running resource hungry apps.
Dr.Unknown replied:
and should I put a 64gb or something SSD in it?

An SSD would be an overkill for a netbook IMO.
A 7200RPM HDD would make quite a difference however.
Answer #10
WOW thank you for the reply above,
As of now, there is 70% ram usage, with 67 proesses runining.
All i have open is Firefox, sticky notes (lol), and avast and advanced systemcare running in the background.
I think i’ll pick up a 7200 rpm harddrive.
Answer #11
Dr.Unknown replied:
As of now, there is 70% ram usage, with 67 proesses runining.
All i have open is Firefox, sticky notes (lol), and avast and advanced systemcare running in the background.

Not too bad,You still got 600MB free,Is it with a lot of firefox tabs open?
Dr.Unknown replied: I think i'll pick up a 7200 rpm harddrive.
Just make sure it’s a 2.5″ SATA one.
Answer #12
6 tabs open, one being a youtube video.
Answer #13
No good,For creating windows apps,You must use windows.
Since when is coding in C, PHP and Java even remotely related to Windows or even Windows applications?
Answer #14
-paroxysM^ replied: Since when is coding in C, PHP and Java even remotely related to Windows or even Windows applications?
Notice I only highlighted the C part as that’s what I was referring to,You can’t compile windows compatible applications
on Linux as far as I know,And since the OP never used Linux in his life (pretty obvious) I doubt he’d wanna develop Linux apps.
Answer #15
Notice I only highlighted the C part as that's what I was referring to,You can't compile windows compatible applications
on Linux as far as I know.
You can. It’s called cross compiling. There are quite a few tools available on Linux for C. But yeah the process isn’t as flexible as on Windows.
Answer #16
Didn’t know about that term,Thanks for the info!
But still,It’d be a bother,And also that’s just plain C were talking about here,My point is still
valid to an extent,Can you compile or even make ms visual c++/c .net projects on Linux? I doubt it,Using Linux to code windows apps is just not ideal.
Answer #17
Yeah i’ve never fully gone into linux, meaning i’ve played around with it for a few hours but given up very fast lol. And for the programming, I just want to code basic programs for school and such. (If that matters)
Answer #18
interesting topic, thanks for all the info i’m using a netbook!
Answer #19
No problem , i know a lot of people are slowly switching over to netbooks and tablets, so hopefully this thread can be assistance to everyone
btw- i got another ram chip for my netbook, now running 4 gb 1066 and multitasking like a boss!
Answer #20
You could even try Chromium. I’ve heard its a really good option for netbooks.
Answer #21
ubuntu server 11.04 works great =P
Answer #22
Dual booting windows 7 and windows xp is not bad at all


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