Best Free Webhosting

August 6th, 2016

I want to know what is the best free webhosting. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
EDIT: I’m using Byethost right now, but sometimes it seems to load really slowly. I’ve went to some 110mb sites and they load pretty fast. Which one is better guys?

Answer #1 is as good as they get
Answer #2
Thanks, I’ll give it a try.
Answer #3
“”is also pretty good,you need an invitation to get in though…
Answer #4
I’m using Byethost right now, but sometimes it seems to load really slowly. I’ve went to some 110mb sites and they load pretty fast. Which one is better guys?
Answer #5
neither of them i best to go for a paid host service like it’s only 14.95 a month
with 110mb you have pay for a lot of stuff like mysql database
Answer #6

rayminator wrote: Select all

neither of them i best to go for a paid host service like it’s only 14.95 a month
with 110mb you have pay for a lot of stuff like mysql database
Wow I’m dumb.
I thought you meant 110mb space, but it was actually the name. DISREGARD THIS POST.
14.95 per month is expensive though.
You’re better off going to
I’m currently using that and haven’t had any problems yet. They’re also pretty cheap and you get unlimited bandwidth with it, and 500 GB of disk space. (This is the 4 doller per month package).
Answer #7

rayminator wrote: Select all

neither of them i best to go for a paid host service like it's only 14.95 a month
with 110mb you have pay for a lot of stuff like mysql database

Wow I’m dumb.
I thought you meant 110mb space, but it was actually the name. DISREGARD THIS POST.
14.95 per month is expensive though.
You’re better off going to
I’m currently using that and haven’t had any problems yet. They’re also pretty cheap and you get unlimited bandwidth with it, and 500 GB of disk space. (This is the 4 doller per month package).
thats not that expensive for unlimited space/Bandwidth/Domains Allowed/Addon / Parked Domains/Sub Domains/FTP Accounts/MySQL Databases and POP3 Accounts
Answer #8

rayminator wrote: Select all

neither of them i best to go for a paid host service like it's only 14.95 a month
with 110mb you have pay for a lot of stuff like mysql database

Wow I’m dumb.
I thought you meant 110mb space, but it was actually the name. DISREGARD THIS POST.
14.95 per month is expensive though.
You’re better off going to
I’m currently using that and haven’t had any problems yet. They’re also pretty cheap and you get unlimited bandwidth with it, and 500 GB of disk space. (This is the 4 doller per month package).
looked there but for hosting in rip off uk the cheapest is 8 $ for the same service as the 4 $ usa one
EDIT 110MB payments for a few functions such as mysql are a once only payment and only a few $ not monthly
Answer #9 is pretty nice. My friend uses them and his site is up a lot and fast.