Best free & reliable webhost / domain name ?

May 27th, 2014

I’m doing a favour for a friend, making a website. So i need a good free webhost service.. I’ve seen a few on the web, but wonder if anyone has had first-hand experience with any they can reccomend?

Answer #1
The free one that I know is 000webhost
Answer #2
trust me free webhosts suck to the core i had terrible experiences so always go for the paid ones like hostgator,justhost,bluehost etc.
Answer #3
vishnubabu replied: trust me free webhosts suck to the core
I second that,They can easily disappear one day or delete your account without notice for no particular reason.
Answer #4
It happened to me.
Cant use my 000webhost account anymore.
And the website they were hosting for me had has been taken down.
Mailed them ages ago.. No reply.
Answer #5
CTD Hosting has free webhosting for if you already own a domain name or they have free subdomain hosting so you don’t have to buy a domain. It’s just like the regular free hosting except it uses as the parent domain with the subdomain you pick out in front of the It’s done that way because it’s highly doubtful a webhost will pay your domain registration for you on top of a free hosting account.


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